Sunday 11 October 2009

Lord Noel Provides Self Improvement For Women

Whatto! Women......

I was having a discussion the other evening with some chaps.....
....about what constitues the 'Ideal' woman.
And it what they came up with.......
....was very interesting....'s a sort of 'wish list' of things....
....that men would leave to hear women say....
...alot more often.
Really ladies.....
....there are some great tips here......
....of the many things YOU could do.... make the man in your life.... much happier.

It only takes about five minutes.........
... to learn just a few of these useful phrases....
....and it could make a World of difference to your relationship.
During the 'Chaps Chat' we decided........
..... that all too rarely do we hear.....
... women say things like:

Darling! Are you sure you've had enough to drink?

I really don't want to watch 'X Factor' tonight......why don't you help me shave instead?

You're so sexy when you're hungover.

Oh Honey....I just signed up for yoga classes so I'll be able to easily get my ankles behind my head.

I don't fancy going shopping today......let's stay here, watch football and drink beer instead.

I know it's a lot tighter back there, but would you please try again?

If I don't get to do you soon, I swear I'm gonna scream.

Oh, come on; let's get a porno, a case of beer and a few joints....... and I'll invite my gorgeous friend Tammy over to join us.

Of course I'll swallow it all; I love the taste....... (So few women like Tequila slammers!)

You look tired; you should go right to sleep as soon as we have sex tonight.

What phrases would YOU like to hear women say more often?

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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