Friday 23 October 2009

Lord Noel Reviews The Ant

What ho! Nature lovers......

I watched an ant climb a blade of grass this morning.....

And when he reached the top.......
..... his weight bent the blade down to the ground.
Then........ twisting his thorax with insectile precision.......
.... he grabbed hold of the next blade.

In this manner......
.... he traveled across the lawn.......
..... covering as much distance vertically as he did horizontally......
.... which amused and delighted me.
And then..........
....all at once......
...... I had what is sometimes known as........ "epiphany"
It was a moment of heightened awareness.....
..... in which everything became clear.

Yes, hunched over on the lawn..........
....watching that ant.....
..... on my hands and knees.......
.......I suddenly knew.....
....what I had to do....

..... stop drinking and go to bed!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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