Monday 19 October 2009

Lord Noel's Efficiency Expert

What ho! Experts......

We had an compulsive 'Efficiency Expert' around for tea at Virtual Manor......
.....and he seemed to be able to see 'Efficiency Savings' EVERYWHERE!
How we ran our daily routine..... we moved around the Manor..... much time we spent doing things...... playing the piano...... long we spent in each area of the property..... really was an 'eye opener' for us both.

The efficiency expert concluded his advice.......
....with suggestions on how we could be more Efficient......... the areas of meal and drink preparation.

"Oh I have already dealt with that area" I responded
"Really?" he queried
"Oh Yes" I replied "I spent hours watching my wife's routine at breakfast"
....."and I noticed that she made lots of trips to the refrigerator, Aga, table and
cabinets, often carrying just a single item at a time."
"Yes! Yes!" he interjected excitedly
"Yes!" I continued.....
...."and so I suggested to her......
.....'Darling....why don't you try carrying SEVERAL things at once?'..... an effort to improve your efficiency"
"Brilliant!" exclaimed the 'Expert'......"And did it save time?"
"Actually, yes!" I replied...
"It used to take her 20 minutes to get breakfast ready...

..... Now I do it in seven."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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