Thursday 22 October 2009

Lord Noel Notices Crumbs!

What ho! Dunkers...

The British people love their biscuits.
Yet biscuits also have a darker side to them...
...and by that we don't mean a plain chocolate coating...

According to The Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation (or B.I.T.E.)...
...more than half of all Britons - thats around 25,000,000 - have been INJURED whilst enjoying biscuits! 
500 of them have even landed up in hospital!

Injuries range from being scalded by the hot tea or coffee whilst 'dunking'... breaking a tooth while eating biscuits.
Going to the hospital emergency room for a "biscuit injury" has got to be embarrassing......
And apparently the deadliest biscuit of them all... the custard cream. 

Exhibit A

These biscuits were found to be the 'worst offenders'... a table of 15 generic types of biscuit whose potential dangers were calculated by The Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation.
Custard creams get a risk rating of 5.63..
 compared to 1.16 for Jaffa cakes..
(which was to be the safest biscuit of all).
Research company Mindlab International was commissioned by Rocky, a chocolate biscuit bar, to conduct the research. 
Mindlab International director Dr. David Lewis said: "We tested the physical properties of 15 popular types of biscuits, along with aspects of their consumption such as 'dunkability' and crumb dispersal."

Neville tried the High Carb diet for two months before he died

(Ps. If there are any vacancies......this is exactly the sort of job I require)
It found almost a third of adults said they had been splashed or scalded by hot drinks while dunking or trying to fish the remnants of a collapsed biscuit from the tea or coffee cup.
The BITE  also revealed 28 per cent had choked on crumbs while one in 10 had broken a tooth or filling biting a biscuit.
BITE also found some odd biscuit injuries reported:  
3% had:
"poked themselves in the eye with a biscuit"
7% had:
"been bitten by a pet or 'other wild animal' whilst trying to get to their biscuit". 
(I wonder if "other wild animal" includes husbands?)

Have you ever injured yourself with a food item?
(Please supply photo)

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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