Monday 31 October 2011

Lord Noel's Halloween Q & As

Whatto! Peeps....
What do you say to a skeleton going on holiday? 
Bone voyage! 

What do you call two witches in the same room? 

What's the ratio of a jack-o'-lantern's circumference to its diameter? 
Pumpkin Pi

How do you mend a torn witches dress?
With a pumpkin patch! 

What's black, white, orange, and waddles?
A penguin with a jack-o-lantern.

Why do ghouls hang around with demons?
(sing this one): 'Cause demons are a ghoul's best friend!

What time would it be if five demons were chasing you?
Five after one.

Why did the monster eat the train?
Because it told him to "Choo, choo."

Why did the monster salute his vegetable soup.
He looked in his bowl and saw a kernel of corn.
& Happy New Year!
Best  Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 30 October 2011

Lord Noel on Holy Water

Whatto! Peeps.....

I'm sorry to report that a train has hit a bus load of nuns and they have all perished. 
They are went immediately to heaven where they are queuing up for the pearly gates.
As we all know 'Sex' is a sin to all Christians (unless it is for procreation - and even then it's frowned upon) and everyone in the queue who wants to get into Heaven has to first get past St.Peter - who, as we all know, is a stickler for the rules. 
St.Peter asks the first nun, "Sister Karen, have you ever had any contact with a man's genitalia?" 
She giggles and slyly replies "Well once I touched the head of one with the tip of my finger". 
St.Peter winces and shakes his head and says, "OK, dip the tip of your finger in the holy water and pass through the gate". 
St.Peter asks the next nun the same question, "Sister Elizabeth, have you ever had any contact with a man's genitalia?" The nun is a little reluctant but replies "Well once I fondled and stroked one". 
St.Peter looks aghast but says, "OK, dip your whole hand in the holy water and pass through the gate". 
All of a sudden there is a lot of commotion in the line of nuns, one nun is pushing her way to the front of the line! 
When she reaches the front of the line St.Peter says "Sister, Sister! What seems to be the rush?" 
The nun replies "Well if I'm going to have to gargle that Holy Water, I want to go before Sister Mary sticks her arse in it!!" 

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 29 October 2011

Lord Noel on Time Travel

Whatto! Peeps...

I will miss the clocks 
when they go back... 
but apparently 
they really miss their home planet 
and long to see 
its copper skies again
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 28 October 2011

Lord Noel's Wavy Quiz

Whatto! Peeps...
Todays Quiz is Famous Waves!
Can you identify the waver in each picture?

The first person with all the correct answers wins 
a round of applause from a room full of captive Nuns...
...but please be quick as the Police are on their way!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 27 October 2011

Lord Noel Says "Watch Out! - It's All Kicking Orf!"

Whatto! Peeps...

With everything happening elsewhere in the World..
...all the Wars...
...Pollution...'s quite reassuring when the latest news in the UK includes this...

...and even the BBC cover a story like this.
So I am pleased to add a little local news of our own this frantic melting pot....

I blame the Media for taking what started orf as a kerfuffle and blowing it up out of all proportion into a To do and then continuing to fan the flames until it became the fully blown Rumpus we are now experiencing. If this is not dealt with immediately by the Authorities then I fully expect that next year this is likely to become a Commotion or maybe Uproar! You have been warned!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lord Noel Flashes The Cash

Whatto! Peeps...

People moan about money!
But just look at all the fun you can have with it!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Lord Noel Remembers

Whatto! Peeps...

Today in 1854 
was The Battle of Balaklava 
and to commemorate this day... 
dedicated personnel up and down the country 
will carry out fearless reenactments 
at local jewellers.
Please give generously!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Monday 24 October 2011

Lord Noel on Platypusii

Whatto! Naturalists...
It Swims Too!

Today I would like to touch on a small but fascinating creature.
The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus).
and a mammal which both lays eggs and produces milk.
It is therefore one of the few animals..
that can make..
...its own custard.

This explains it perfectly!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 23 October 2011

Lord Noel on Terrorism

Whatto! Peeps...

Terrorists have already begun targetting the UK Olympic Games!
They've sent a pistol in a box to the Olympic Games organisers...
with a note inside that said... 
..."That's just for starters!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 22 October 2011

Lord Noel - Dining in Style

Whatto! Peeps...

I'm out once again at a lovely restaurant with drinks from the bar
which have been brought to our table.
My lovely Lady wife has headed orf to the ablutions.
Leaving me to check out the Menu, full of exotic creations - which I love.
Then the wine waiter appears at my elbow, hands me another Cognac and asks me...
"Lord Noel...may I ask what Lady Jacqueline is having this evening?"
To which I reply "I'm not certain but she's been gone quite a while... probably a shit."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 21 October 2011

Lord Noel And The Village Fete Committee

Whatto! Peeps...

Today there were plenty of shocked faces
at the auditions for participants in next year's village fête 
as I realised far, far too late... 
that they were after a tapdancer...
...not a lapdancer.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 20 October 2011

Lord Noel - Supporting the NHS in it's Hour of Need

Whatto! Peeps...

As you will know
thanks to the excesses of Members of Parliament
(AKA "Corrupt Spongers")
the poor old NHS is now bankrupt.
As a result of my previously successful diagnosis of many rare conditions
I have been inundated with further pleas for help from really yukky ill people
...Like this...

Dear Lord Noel
I've got a lovely can of epoxy resin in my shed
(nothing strange about that I hear you cry)
but the trouble is that from time to time
I need to use the contents of that can
for odd jobs here and there 
around the house.
My problem is
that whenever I pick up the can 
to use the said contents
it brings me out in a 
nasty rash. 
What can I do?
Please help!
Thomas Foollery

 Dear Tom
(I hope you'll allow me to call you that 
since you've taken the trouble to write to me 
and enclose some horrific photos)
Your condition is an extremely rare one
and very difficult to diagnose
you are an expert like me!
For I am pleased to be able to tell you
that you are displaying all the symptoms 
of someone who is
glue-tin intolerant.

You're Welcome!

PS I had a brilliant book about Glue once 
- I just couldn't put it down

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Lord Noel on Being Par For The Course

Whatto! Peeps...
Now that one of my gorgeous daughters is old enough (and keen enough) to want to play golf, I took time to sit her down and tell her this true Golfing story - exactly as it happened to me...

I was on the first part of a dog leg to the twelfth hole when I hit my ball into the woods. When I went to search for my ball I found it in a patch of pretty, yellow buttercups.

I was trying to get my ball back into play on the fairway but kept mishitting the ball and ended up thrashing just about every buttercup in the patch.

All of a sudden? POOF!! In a flash and puff of smoke, a little old woman appeared!

She said to me, 'I'm Mother Nature! Do you know how long it took me to make those buttercups? Just for doing what you have done, you won't have any butter for your popcorn for the rest of your life...  better still, you won't have any butter for your toast for the rest of your life.... As a matter of fact, you'll never have any butter for anything for the rest of your life!!!'

Then POOF!... she was gone!

After I'd recovered from the shock and checked my hip flask to see exactly how much Brandy I'd swallowed since the tee orf, I suddenly remembered my golfing partner Algie and shouted out to him, 'Algie!... where are you?'

Algie yelled back 'I'm over here in the pussy willows.'

I immediately shouted back, 'For Goodness sake Algie! DON'T SWING!!!'

And that's how I came to enjoy a low fat diet AND discover that Mother Nature DOES exist!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lord Noel Asks "Is Eating Cheese A Sin?"

Whatto! Peeps...
Do YOU believe in Cheeses?
I do...
I LOVE cheese
but I'm nervous 
about eating Philadelphia 
ever since it gave 
Tom Hanks AIDS
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Monday 17 October 2011

Lord Noel's Pop News

Whatto! Peeps...

"Dear Lord Noel, Although I really appreciate your single-handed support of the NHS by your FREE online Health Advice I also discovered that you are a fount of all Pop Music knowledge. Just wondering if you have any news you could share with us? Regards S Cowell."

"Dear Simon,
Thanks for getting in touch again (I told you that viewing figures would be low if you left the show - but did you listen? Did you COCK!) Anyway - I do happen to have a gem of news from the world of Popular Music.
Researchers have unearthed a recorded version of the popular song 'Itchycoo Park', which appears to have been produced with vocals by Michael Jackson! Tests are still being carried out to authenticate that the voice is indeed that of The King of Pop but a close aide and confidante has come forward to confirm that many times he overheard Michael saying that he'd always wanted to cover The Small Faces."
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 15 October 2011

Lord Noel And A Bit About How I Manage To Stay In Such Great Shape For A Bally Pensioner

Whatto! Peeps...

The Class went ahead - even after the theft of the medicine balls

Those of you who know me well
will also know that I have a fantastically athletic 
and enormously erotic physique.
The reason for that is because I like to keep it in shape.
(Humanoid shape mainly).
But I tend to get bored very quickly
especially if I'm made to do the same old thing over and over.
That's why I enjoy new and unusual keep-fit classes so much
(as much as the next Lord anyway)
but I'm sorry to say that in my last class 
I was forced to surrender my Cargo Pants, wallet and money
when I stupidly wandered into 'Somali Pilates'

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 14 October 2011

Lord Noel Gets Stuffed

Whatto! Peeps...

In reality 
dates on a calendar 
can be much closer 
than they actually appear.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Lord Noel's FREE Health Service

Whatto! Peeps...
Due to the continued success of my FREE on line Medical advice...
...the NHS has agreed to send me some more patients...
Here's one from my swollen in box

"Dear Lord Noel
My wife is worried that I am becoming too Possessive...
Everytime she returns from a shopping trip 
I seem unable to control myself
...and end up firing lots of questions at her such as
'Where'd you go shopping?' 
'What did you get?' and 'How much was it?'
I'm worried that my behaviour will destroy my marriage!
Please help! 
Yours - Lionel Stench"

"Dear Lionel
Thank you for writing to me for help..
...I may just be in the nick of time.
I have come across this sort of behaviour before
and I am pleased to inform you 
that you are definitely not 'Possessive''re just buycurious."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 13 October 2011

Lord Noel on Bedtime Stories

Whatto! Peeps...

Parenting small children is already stressful enough
without having to spend your entire evening 
reading them bedtime stories!
So here's a list of books I can recommend 
for the 'Parent in a hurry' 
'Goldilocks & The Bear'
'The Little Pig'
'One Dalmation'
'Jack decides NOT to sell his cow'
'The Princess with Narcolepsy'

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Lord Noel asks "Do You Do Voodoo?"

Whatto! Peeps.....

I was away on a long business trip, so I thought I'd buy my wife a nice present....
....something to keep her occupied. 
I went from one shop to another, unable to find anything remotely suitable and finally made my way to a sex shop and explained my situation. 
The man there said, "Well, I don't know that I have anything that will keep her occupied for so many weeks, except...the Voodoo Penis!"
"The what?" I said
The man repeated "The Voodoo Penis" and pulled out what looked to me to be an ordinary dildo.
I laughed, and said, "It looks just like any other dildo!"
The man then pointed to the door and said, "Voodoo Penis, door!"
The Voodoo penis rose out of its box, darted over to the door and started pounding at the keyhole. The whole door shook wildly with vibrations, so much that a crack began to form down the middle. Then the man said "Voodoo Penis, box!" and the penis stopped and returned to the box.
I was so impressed - I immediately bought it. 
I sent it home, gift wrapped, to my wife with a note explaining what it was. 
Apparently after a few days, my wife received the Voodoo Penis.
She undressed, opened the box and said "Voodoo Penis, crotch." 
The Voodoo penis shot to her crotch. 
She told me later that it was absolutely incredible! 
After three mind shattering orgasms, she became very exhausted and decided she'd had enough. 
She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck in the 'on' position. 
(I had neglected to tell her how to turn it off!). 
So she put her clothes on, got into her car and started for the hospital.
On the way there she had another incredibly intense orgasm which made her swerve all over the road. 
A passing police officer saw this and immediately pulled her over. He asked for her license, and then asked how much she'd had to drink.
Gasping and twitching, she said "I haven't had anything to drink officer. You see, I've got this Voodoo Penis thing stuck in my crotch and it won't stop screwing me..."
"Yeah right.." the officer said, looking down at her for a second or two in disbelief whilst reaching for his pocketbook and pen.
Then shaking his head, he then bent down to speak to her through the driver's window, and continued, "Voodoo Penis, my ass...!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Lord Noel's Tarot Reading - Knight of Wands

Whatto! Peeps...
Today's card is the Knight of Wands!
It signifies that you will soon need to be making an important decision!
You know that Fancy Dress party you're thinking of going to?....
...well you should definitely buy that horse
and make that outfit you've always wanted
out of old curtains!

You're Welcome!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Lord Noel Does Sex.....Advice

Whatto! Peeps...

Sometimes (in my capacity as NHS Replacement) I get asked questions of a SEXUAL nature...
...If you are at all squeamish...
...Look away NOW!

Dear Lord Noel
A friend and I recently went to an orgy 
organised by Transport for London. 
We both waited ages to have sex with a bus driver...
..and then four came at once.
But what I'd really like to know is... it slutty to fuck the system on a first date?
Yours Passionately
Ophilia Exhaustpipe

 Dear Ophilia
On reading your email...
...and judging from the photographs you attached
...this may be a case worthy of 'Private Consultation' a mutually convenient time and hotel.
But in the meantime the best advice I can give you is...
...if you want to be respected...
 - get some new glasses.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Monday 10 October 2011

Lord Noel on Sir Macca

Whatto! Peeps...

 I would like to offer my congratulations to Sir Paul 
on his recent marriage to his lovely new trucking millionairess. 
He told me that he's been having a bit of a 'clear out' recently 
and that he found an old bootleg in his attic. 
Must be one of Heather's.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 9 October 2011

Lord Noel on Athletic Excellence

Whatto! Peeps...

All these sperms were produced by Atheletes suspected of having used Viagra

 Following the review of atheletes caught using banned substances
the Olympic committee are now considering banning sprinters caught using Viagra 
but so far they haven't been able to come up with any hard and fast rule

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 8 October 2011

Lord Noel's Advice on How To Park Free In Any City Anywhere

Whatto! Motorists.....

Today I give valuable information to Motorists...
It is given with a view to helping to ease the continually growing financial burden which is being hurled relentlessly upon the innocent and law abiding motor vehicle enthusiast.

Did you know that there is a way that you can now park for FREE in any city centre?
Yes! You heard me...FREE
Just follow the Lord Noel 4 Step Plan!
Step 1. Park your car wherever you like! And I mean 'wherever'...there are absolutley NO restrictions using this method (which has a Patent Pending by the way)
Step 2. As you leave your car simply place a 'Police aware' sticker on the outside of your car (These can be purchased from Police Officers - if you ever get to meet one)
Step 3. (This step will require real committment on your part to ensure that the resulting effect appears convincing enough to any passing Local Government Officials) Just pull the car radio out of it's housing in a very rough manner - so that a lot of the inner wiring is clearly exposed to anyone peering into the vehicle.
Step 4. Simply smash all the windows and set car on fire. Hey Presto!...Free Parking!

You're Welcome!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 7 October 2011

Lord Noel's Thought For Today

Whatto! Peeps...
Mr Reynolds

Our schooldays can be some of the most informative times....
...I was educated in an 'All Boys' school...
...with very strict 'Masters' as they liked to be called...
....who would regularly thrash us for breathing too loudly in class.
I can honestly say that it did me no harm at all!
Our English Teacher, Master Reynolds, was particularly influencial on my life....
...and I always remember one incident where he called me to the front of the class... discuss an essay I'd written...
...whilst tweaking my ear between his thumb and forefinger...
"Lord Noel..."
...he said...
"Lif is too short!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 6 October 2011

Lord Noel on Meeting that Kindred Spirit

Whatto! Peeps...

Everyone on this wonderful planet of ours... ultimately seeking one thing...
And the proliferation of online dating sites is a perfect example...
...of how modern technology is helping to bring people closer to finding their perfect partner.
Allowing someone from America to meet their soul mate in Africa...
...or an aging pensioner from England...
(who probably thought his days of romance were long over) find that a young and beautiful woman who really fancies him 
...DOES exist!
Now all he has to do is get her back here...
...from Thailand.
The Internet is the ideal medium to present yourself to others...
...without the obvious blemishes that REAL LIFE sometimes cannot hide.
After all...
...there's no reason for complete strangers to be subjected to your 'first thing in the morning' look....
...or your incurable body odeur...
...or your rampant halitosis...
...and what if you lie about your height a little?
...and maybe inflate your salary a couple of times?
...or alter your job title to the one you always really wanted?
But just think for a moment...
...about the poor recipient...
...the potental 'Love of your life'....
..and the disappointment that they will inevitably experience...
...when meeting someone....
...who is clearly several decades older than their online photo.
It's NEVER a good way to begin that all important 'First Date'
Which is why some people prefer the opposite approach...
(known as 'Warts 'n' All')
...chosing to be brutally honest about every aspect of their life.... graphically outlining all the eternal torment they are feeling..
...from all of their (as yet) unreconciled 'Issues'... the rawest of detail... the belief that this will attract them their perfect mate...
..'someone who can love them for how they truly are'
If I can give you some advice...
People prefer to find things out for themselves....
...over time...
otherwise you may as well create a profile for yourself...
...using this picture
...and Good Luck!

Lionel was disappointed by the lack of response to his advert

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Lord Noel on Moggies

Whatto! Peeps...

Apparently Cats LOVE it!
I never knew...

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Monday 3 October 2011

Lord Noel on The Ten Commandments

Whatto! Peeps...

Artist's Impression of the Actual Ten Commandments - using the Angelic Arial font

In my ongoing quest to understand the mind-workings of certain Religious fanatics...
...who I occasionally have the misfortune to come into contact with during my languid existence...
...I was pondering on one particular problem...
...when I had a blinding vision...
...and heard a voice inside my head..
..this voice was the reasoned and calming voice of Sean Connery trying to make sense of a far-fetched James Bond movie...
...not the high pitched screaming voice that keeps yelling 'Kill! Kill!'
What if the Ten Commandments originated from some 'New Years Resolutions'?
It's entirely possible in those primitive pre-Jeremy Kyle days, for someone to have led an uneducated and unfulfilling life which involved them participating in situations whereby they may have murdered and raped their way through the week...
...just to make ends meet...
...and they may have reached a point when they just wanted to try to improve themselves...
...and didn't have the Jeremy Kyle show to appear on...
...or the benefit of DNA testing to make them see sense.
A simple, short reminder of what they were hoping to achieve...
...written on a sheet of Papyrus would have been all that was needed.
But let's imagine that they went to the trouble of having them carved in stone?
For longevity?
Suddenly, we are getting a strong indication that this was someone with 'long term' goals...
...they knew that they were going to be working in these for quite some time...
..that were not going to vanish overnight...
...they clearly had 'Issues'
And that a piece of soggy Papyrus...
...just wasn't going to be enough.
If someone was suddenly showing signs of wanting to travel the path of self-improvement...
...might not close relatives or partners want to offer their own suggestions?
And may it also have even included some ideas from close friends and even children?....
...or neighbours?...
(Just try and STOP them)
All those people would decide excitedly....
....that NOW was their chance to make that all-important suggestion....
...that had been nagging away at them for so long...
....whilst the 'Resolutor' was reasonably sedated - perhaps with fermented nettle juice....
...or a belly full or pickled starlings?...
...and thus less likely to fight back...
...or resist?...
...thus avoiding the carnage that they would normally have been a party to...
(which you'll remember was the need for self-improvement in the first place)
That would suddenly explain and make perfect sense of....
...the seemingly 'late addition' Resolution... know?....
...the Tenth One...
..the 'catch all'...
...the one that waffles on and on..
...and displays a distinctly disordered mind...
...considering it was supposed to be 'The Word of God'...
...involving 'not coveting your neighbours ass'...
...clearly inserted with some skill by the neighbour who must have felt that they had the most gorgeous ass in the neighbourhood...
...and wanted to safeguard their beautiful ass in the process.
I often wonder what ever became of that neighbour's ass?...
...what kind of life did it lead?
...and was it ever coveted in the end?
...and would it have really mattered if it HAD been coveted?
Or are Asses really that susceptible to the 'power of coveting' that they need protection from it?
...and is it just Asses?
Wouldn't it have been wise to extend this category at that time?... perhaps include 'attractive chickens'...
...or 'voluptuous horses'?
Or maybe they didn't want to push their luck?
Maybe the effects of the nettle fermentation were beginning to wear off?
...and maybe they were working through a list which was written in Alphabetical order?
'They shalt not covet thy neighbours ass, beaver, coypu, duck, emu,.....etc'....
...but they only got as far as the Ass when the Resolutor began to stir....
...beginning to show signs of discomfort...
....from the way things were progressing....
...the thought 'Soon there will be nothing left for me to covet!' fleeting wrecklessly through the caverns of their mind....
Maybe they should have written it differently?...
...and started from a basis where the Resolutor could covet NOTHING....
...thereby prohibiting the 'Coveting' of all animals...
...then they could have gradually introduced 'covetable items' at a later stage... a kind of 'bonus clause'....
(i.e. At week seven you may begin to covet your neighbours gerbil)
...a REWARD for them managing to stick to those oh-so-tricky Resolutions... know the ones?...
...the stealy and murdery ones...
...though I notice there isn't one for criminal damage.... clearly this Resolutor was someone with very particular problems...
...that didn't involve trashing the cave after a really bad night on the nettlejuice...
I hope it helped them...
...and all their family and friends...
...and I hope that all the Asses they ever came into contact with...
...were saved the trauma of being coveted.
That would have made it all worthwhile. 

Just a thought.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 2 October 2011

Lord Noel Teaches You Espanol

Whatto! Peeps...

I've decided to give you all the benefit of my copious linguisity
by providing FREE language lessons on-line!
Just doing my bit in furthering relationships...
...with our lovely Europeans partners.

Today's word is 'Tapas'

Tapas (v.) - To gently pat the bottoms of a several Spaniards
- as opposed to slapping the rear end of just Juan.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 1 October 2011

Lord Noel's Horoscopic Tips

Whatto! Peeps...

Due to the powers divested in me by the 'Spirit of Champagne Passed'...
I found that I have been given the ability to predict the future for some lucky individuals...

Today it's the turn of you Lucky Leo's!

Leo: You want to go out tomorrow but will be unable to get out of bed. This is because you are an inherantly lazy person. In fact the only time you get the vacuum cleaner out is to use it as a sex toy!

You're welcome!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel