Monday 15 June 2009

Lord Noel On Seeing The 'Bigger Picture'

Whatto! Artistic types..............
I am always amused by modern business lingo............
You know the sort of thing........
....the phrases you look for at meetings when you're trying to stay awake.........
........ things like 'Thinking outside the box'........
....almost as if OUR generation invented the idea of looking at things in an entirely different way!
When actually it's been being done for centuries!
No!......THOUSANDS of years!
When creativity was a real asset............
....something valued for the powerful effects it had on us.......
....something that made the difference between our survival and our death

Long before the arrival of Televisions............
that flickering box of light with the mind numbing side-effects!
.......long before technology started to create obstacles for us.........
(I still smile when I see two people sitting together ........each having separate text conversations with other people who aren't there)

From the cave drawings of ancient lost tribes......
People regularly turned to "ART" to explore their own 'minds eye'.......
.....Not content with having their view of life dictated to them by some unseen force......
They chose to create their own version of reality........
...... delighting in simple parlour games........
.......and chatting together....
....exploring new ideas and each others minds in the process............

Nowadays......society will see you as an 'Artist' if you chose to pursue such endeavours.........
When Art and self expression should be a natural part of ALL our lives........

How else could we have known EXACTLY what was on Einsteins mind.........
....unless we were prepared to LOOK DEEPER?

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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