Thursday 4 September 2008

Lord Noel On Global Dimming

Whato!! Weather Watchers!!!

Some time ago 'Global Warming' was predicted as the inevitable outcome for the World........

...and many people shivering in Europe responded in a way similar to.......

"Bring it on!"....

The Dream being that....... if the World was to warm up.....
........ then places like the jolly old UK would suddenly find themselves
with a climate similar to that of the South of France..

or even better still!.

We discarded our 'planet killing' aerosoles......
..... as slowly our understanding of climatic changes improved...

and although there are still some who insist that global warming just isn't happening...

the evidence seems to suggest that something 'Climatically Major' is indeed going on...

Right now!...

In years to come ........I wonder how people will report on our dealing with the current 'crisis'?...

From a personal point of view I must admit that I find it extremely tiresome..

when I want to do anything...

and I look outside and find it's raining .....yet again...

Scientists (God bless 'em) have recently revised their predictions for weather outcomes............

and the phrase 'Global Dimming' has been bandied about more frequently....

The basis for this new speculation is apparently years of readings from 'Sunshine' centres
spread all over the Globe..

where it has been found that - contrary to popular opinion...

the number of hours sunshine that are being recorded throughout the world...

are actually reducing!!

Small wonder really...

it doesn't take too much Scientific knowledge to surmise that if the ice caps are indeed melting....
.... and there seems to be no reason to believe otherwise...

then the water has to 'go' somewhere!

And what goes up...

...comes down.

Don't get me wrong... I love the rain....

the way it purifies the sky and air....

and the way it helps the plants by furnishing them
with the vital nourishment and nutrients they need to flourish...

..filling the rivers.... flowing down to the sea..
... helping to complete the cycle that we all know and love...

But the prospect remains...

we can look forward to...yet more rain....

and despite the fact that I marvel at the torrential rainfall we've been having recently....
.. during our 'so called' SUMMER!...
and the wonderful effects it creates for us in the magnificent sky above............

I am a firm believer that "all rain and no sun"...................

"make Jack and Jill - extremely dull children!"................


as the clouds descend....................

and we each search for our tiny piece of sunshine amongst the dull greyness that is pervading us all.........

we have to trust in Mother Natures ability to get along.................

.........either 'with' us.................

or 'without' us.......................

In the meantime I'm orf in search of a climate that's more conducive to my lifestyle!..........


Best wishes - Lord Noel

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