Sunday 25 March 2012

Lord Noel's Tonic Page

What ho! Pepys...

There are times, with everything that's going on in the World, when I can feel overwhelmed.
Those are the times I need to draw strength from the deep reserves within me to recharge myself.
This can be done in a number of ways: holidays, days out, booze, drugs, exercise, sex, meditation etc. - not all of them giving the most positive outcome if used as a long term remedy.
Sometimes it's hard to find the necessary reserves. 
Sometimes it feels like they're all used up.
That's when I need to take myself back to the core.
I focus on what is keeping me alive each moment of every day.
My breath.
I find somewhere I can settle myself into a comfortable position.
Then focus my entire concentration on my breath.
If I find my mind wandering, I try to occupy the right hand side of my brain by imagining the word 'BREATH' being spelt out in front of me in a relaxing way, or I softly say the word 'Breath' every so often.
Chanting has the same effect.
I can also use any one of a number of positive affirmations which also help:

I am Letting-go.
I am Accepting.
I am Appreciating.
I am Grateful.
I am Joyful.
I am Peacful.
I am Free.
I am Loving.

My heart will slow to a relaxed rhythm and it will take my breath with it.
I can reach very profound states of relaxation virtually anywhere using this method.
In the next stage I imagine my heart radiating pure Love out from it's centre, out into the World for anything and everything to enjoy and absorb.
I'm sure this type of energy can only benefit the Earth and everything on it.
I then imagine energy coming up from the Earth into me and radiating out from my heart.
The Earth has endless amounts of positive energy to give and she gives it willingly.
We only have to ask for it.
Sometimes the energy levels at my heart become so powerful that they overflow up my spine and start to fill up my brain with a glowing warm light that spills out of the top of my head like a warm shower.
And while I'm doing this I find myself doing something quite remarkable...
...I smile...
...and that smile fills my entire body.
...and I have quite a big body!
It's truly amazing.
Try it and see if it works for you.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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