Saturday 24 March 2012

Lord Noel's Lesson On Financial Freedom

What ho! Pepys...

Did you know that 100,000 Iraqi civilians have so far been killed by the U.S. led military invasion of their country?
This military invasion was started to find the infamous but non-existent 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'.
100,000 civilians needlessly murdered because of a deliberate lie.
We all knew that WMD's didn't exist and many people marched in public to protest against the idea of a false war with Iraq.
But with all the haste of a worried Government who could see public opinion turning against them, the war effort was pushed into gear and then it was too late to stop the race into oblivion.
We were told to 'get behind the troups who were putting their lives on the line' and stop complaining and start being 'Patriotic' (whatever that means).... whilst innocent civilians are murdered.
It's virtually impossible to stop the war machine once it's been turned on.
War is an effective tool for political and social control over a large population. It can also be used to keep people divided, and if people are divided they are less likely to realize the truth of what is really going on. 
We are told to be scared of 'Terrorists' and foreigners and whilst we allow this fear and hatred to control us - we too are being controlled.
The media (owned by the rich) will pump out carefully selected 'information' and 'facts' to support their plan and conveniently ignore or surpress any evidence that may appear that goes against their plans.
And we will feel reassured by this and happily go back to watching X Factor and Soaps.
This is how we learn to feel good about hating people in a far away land who we have never even met.
This is not new. Conflicts and turmoil cover earth’s history like a rash and will continue to do so whilst there is profit to be made from it. 
A few people who suddenly realize, may find themselves asking "Who started all these wars and for what purpose?" and the reason we are given is simply "For Freedom!" 
They take of 'Liberating' the oppressed people by invading their country so to understand their concept of 'Freedom' one must look at the world from the proper perspective.
Their Perspective.
Did those 100,000 Iraqi civilians get their 'Freedom'? 
Does it seem like you have been given your Freedom?
We are dependant on 'the system' for all our basic needs. Everything is already prepare for us. 
Your clothes come from big boxes with reliable names on them, your food comes from supermarkets, and your home was most likely not designed or built by you either. 
So....Does it seem like you have been set Free? 
We all work within a 'System'
'The system' is built on money. 
Money is worthless paper and worthless metal.
So where does that leave you?
Extremely rich and powerful private individuals create worthless paper and metal and lend it the Governments of every country.
Governments use the money to pay for things like wars and we (the people) pay back the interest on these loans for the Government through our taxation.
You have no option where your money goes. Your Government decides for you because you elected them.
When the Government borrows too much money - the loan can never ever be repaid.
This gives the bank who printed all the money the power to demand control of assets held by the Government such as Gold and silver reserves, and any state owned land and businesses.
It can also give large companies the power to drive through legislation which will benefit them, with the support of Politicians who are now powerless to protest because they are owned by the Banks.
Without the support of the Banks, Politicians are powerless.
Recessions are a wonderful way for Banks to call-in all the outstanding loans and also for a large amount of valuable 'assets' to slide gracefully into the hands of an elite and increasingly rich few.
Just think of all the homes that have been repossesed already and now belong to the bank, and how many more they will have when the recession cuts deeper.
But don't worry - I'm sure they'll let you rent back your house or farm from them - if you have the money. 
Wars are very lucrative for banks too because Governments need to borrow massive amounts of money to win a war. 
So in order to keep a war going, banks will also lend money to the Governments of the opposing side who will obviously need even more weapons to ensure a victory against their attackers.
Weapons companies like those owned by Carlyle stand to make huge profits from any wars - so you can see why it's such a popular move especially in times of recession when ordinary businesses are struggling.
JP Morgan was one of the major banks to finance both the Nazi Party AND Winston Churchill during World War 2, continuing to trade sucessfully today. During the Holocaust, the well known Pharmaceutical company Bayer, manufactured the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi gas chambers.
The same moneymaking businesses are still going on today.
Politicians who authorise massive Governement expenditure in the first place get top jobs with banks and other lucrative companies as a 'thank you' for all the extra money they've sent their way.  This is known as the 'revolving door' principle and is openly accepted as the way of doing things in Government.
Tony Blair, for example got a very highly paid job with the bankers Goldman Sachs as a reward for his actions in Government - particularly the massive loans taken out to finance the war in Iraq which have yet to be repaid by the British public. 
Perhaps that's what Tony thought 100,000 Iraqi civilian lives were worth?
George Bush started a war which cost the American people $3 trillion. He bailed out banks with another $3 trillion and then raised the debt ceiling for all Americans to repay 8 times while he was in office.
The money was never really his...
...or the American public's... always belonged to the Bankers.
And when the time comes, the Bankers will take their ball back...
...and this financial game will suddenly come to a halt.
Only 4 Countries in the World were NOT part of the Rothschild banking system: North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Libya
Now there are only 3.
Finance is a funny old game isn't it?
The biggest risk to your personal safety is not some faceless Terrorist but your own corrupt Government.
So......Does it still feel like you are free?

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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