Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Lord Noel on Health in a Manly Way

Whatto! Peeps...

Look at my massive Gift Subscription - you want it don't you?

 I often scour the shelves in our local supermarket
(don't worry I bring my very own scourer)
in a futile effort to find a suitable Magazine for a man of my bearing and stature.
I have grown a little weary of 'Shooting' and 'Hare and Hound'
and 'Shooting Hare's and Hounds'
and 'Country Manor' holds no real lure for me nowadays 
so I felt quite fortunate when I stumbled across a 'Men's Health' Magazine 
which I perused gingerly in my Lordly way
but I hadn't leafed through much of it's delicate pagery
when I came to the conclusion that it should be renamed 
"Get amazing abs! Have amazing Sex! 
Oh and by the way - you know you're gay?"
(I bought a copy for Lord Fontleroy)

Best Wishes - Lord Noel