Wednesday 19 August 2009

Lord Noel Enjoys An Elastic Shortfall

Whatto! Ladies...

During the war time years there were a great many items in very short supply......

....often rationed........

.....or not even available at all.

Women would frequently draw a line up the back of their leg to simulate a seam in a stocking......
.....just so they looked 'well dressed' when they went out.
Some items....
..... like knicker elastic.......
....... were of such poor quality.........
.....that ladies would regularly suffer the public embarrassment......

........ of losing this intimate garment............
.......whilst going about their daily business. the great amusement of any passers by!
One American artist named 'Art Frahm' ..........

....who worked between the 1940's and 1960's..........
.....made an entire career from this subject matter!

His art was a mixture of 'postcard' humour and cartoon.......
....... which was regarded as 'very racy' at the time........

......and although he drew many different things............. was his 'Whoops!' ladies that became the most popular of all.

They were even copied by other artists at the time.......
.....who could see how much the public loved Art's work.......
....and wanted to 'cash in' on his success.
Even today.........

....people are using the medium of photography............. try to recreate this (now kitsch) art form........
....which never seems to lose it's eternal appeal for men......
......each with varying degrees of success......
But if you are thinking of copying Art's 'Artwork'...........

......there are a few things worth remembering.
Whether they are 'deliberate' inclusions by Art himself.......

....or just some of his own 'personal favourites'.......
You will always notice with his work..............

......that the following facts are true:
The garments in question are always invariably PINK!.....

...and if the lady involved is carrying any type of shopping......
.....then there is usually be some CELERY in her bag!

Now THAT'S what I call a fetish!
And if you don't believe me...

..go back over the pics above...
..and see for yourself!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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