Thursday 13 August 2009

Lord Noel Has A Chinese Meal

What ho! Chinese people.....

Lady Jacqueline and I are rather partial to eating out.......

So when the mood takes us, we like to frequent a delightful little Chinese restaurant situated in a nearby town.

We happened to visit them recently and when we walked in we immediately noticed there was some kind of party going on at another, larger table........

.....where everyone had come as a character from the Star Wars films!

It was definitely an unusual spectacle seeing 'Chewbacca' smoking peacefully on the lawned area outside.......

Anyway, after a short while of chatting with the proprietors we are led to our table, which is thankfully, a discrete distance away from all of the Star Wars activities........

.....and we begin to peruse the menus we've been handed by the delightful staff.

Once we order I can't help noticing that 'Luke Skywalker' and 'Obi-Wan' are sitting next to each other in deep conversation.........

I can also see that Obi-Wan is deftly manipulating his chopsticks..........

......... with the ease you'd expect from a 'Jedi Master'.........

But poor old Luke seems to be having a nightmare with his............

....trying to use his chop-sticks in both hands like a knife and fork............

....and, in the process, dropping his food all over the table...........

......and also himself.

I point this spectacle out to my good Lady wife and we have a jolly good giggle....

Then Obi-Wan suddenly looks very sternly at Luke.............

....and snatching the flailing chopsticks from Luke's struggling hands says, rather disapprovingly...........

.... "Use the FORKS Luke!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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