Friday 17 October 2008

Lord Noel Plays Porn Scrabble!

What ho! Wordmakers..............

The other evening my good lady wife and I were invited for an 'overnighter'..............

which included fine brandy, wine, a pork roast dinner, fruit crumble, roast coffee...........

and a wonderful array of cheeses (together with some freshly picked grapes which we had brought specially from the Virtual Manor vineyard!)..............

followed by a (now infamous) 'spirit comparison' session.............

and then a good old honest-to-goodness traditional wholesome game of.................

Porn Scrabble!!

Let me explain!...........
The idea was to only use the most disgusting words we could think of to complete the board.........
but I have to admit...............

that even with our First Class Educations......... was bally difficult!!

If I tell you that the best that one player could come up with was 'Penis' and 'snog'..........

........I think you get the gist of where the level of the game was pitched..............

I came in a respectable third place............

(my mother would be proud that I was able to think of so few dirty words!)
.....and I was awarded a cake!! (with celebratory Xmas / New Year / Birthday candles!!!)

which I gladly blew out with pride............

unfortunately that just about knackered me out for the rest of the evening!............

......and I had to go and collapse of the sofa...........

Not exactly the 'life and soul of the party'..............

I think the 'Spirit tasting' had taken it's toll on me..........

We stayed over......and the next day..... we were no sooner awake (around midday!)........

and we were plied with a wonderful full English breakfast - with ALL the trimmings!!

Absolutely Tremendous!............

(At this point I thought you might like to see a rare and unusual photograph of me......... deep in a self-induced 'Scrabble Trance' where I scour my extensive memory banks for the exact word required to win me the game conclusively........however - it doesn't always work!.....and certainly isn't a pretty sight!!!!)

..........and we were told that this whole event was as a 'Thank you' for all the hospitality we'd shown our wonderful hosts over the last few months!

How generous was that?!

Thank You both very much!..............

We really appreciate it!.....

Best wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline x

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