Thursday 2 February 2012

Lord Noel on Honest Advertising

What ho! Pepys..

In an effort to try to make the public trust the Government more...
(an uphill struggle for ANY Politican)
...they are enlisting the services of a brand new 'Ethical Agency'
who are world reknowned for 'Telling it like it is'
I applaude this Governments attempt to try to allay many ordinary people's fears
(and a few extraordinary fears - like mine)
by engaging the services of these Ethical Advertisers
They are, after all, the Agency who rebranded the common 'Bagel'
as the 'Edible Wheat Anus'
and common-or-garden 'Milk'
as 'Cow Tit Juice'
As far as I'm concerned - The Government for once 
has made the right decision.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel