Monday 20 February 2012

Lord Noel - NOT a Real Doctor

What ho! Pepys...

As a result of the continued NHS cutbacks
(which now includes the deliberate draining of resources
by members of the UK Government and their cronies)
I am being forced to provide an ongoing Medical Helpline Service
for those of you who are less fortunate than myself
You're Welcome!

Dear Lord Noel
I don't get out much
and when I do 
I'm afraid that I irritate the people that I meet.
You see.....I've got into an annoying habit 
of always introduces myself 
as 'Stephen with a ph'
Please, please can you help me?
(Stephen with a ph)

Dear Steven
Thank you for your letter.
You are definitely an irritating person.
I sensed that from the moment I started reading 
your very annoying message
and I have come to a conclusion as to what your problem is're slightly acidic.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel