Tuesday 7 January 2014

Lord Noel On Reading

Whatto! Pepys...

If you've come here expecting to read a review of the town called Reading I can reveal to you now that you are to be sorely disappointed, for I speak today of the joyous and uplifting pastime of reading from the printed word.
In this day and age we are most fortunate to have lived in an educated society where we have the benefit of having learned well the ubiquitous three R's (Reading, Riting and Rithmatic) in our various top-quality schools situated up hill and down dale throughout this noble land.
As far as the education system today is concerned my personal philosophy is "If it ain't broke, it probably didn't go to university."
The problem today, as I see it, is that every Tom Dick and Mary is writing about something or other and the quality can vary quite dramatically, sometimes with disasterous consequences.
Why even that Katie Price lassie has allegedly written several novels in her frutifully short life! Though I find that particularly hard to believe firstly because she comes from Essex and secondly because I cannot believe that she could ever catch sight of the keyboard.
I even heard that Elaine Paige & Tina Turner have recently combined to write a book which should be a real .....

One of the genres I have never understood, and therefore never enjoyed, is the Mystery novel.
I suppose one could say that this has remained a complete mystery to me! Har!
But seriously... why would anyone wish to confuse the human mind with needless deliberately fabricated mysteries, when life has enough genuine mysteries of it's own to offer us?
I have found that Mystery writing is very very over rated indeed, so I make a point of never purchasing any.
I have also found that one can make EVERY Novel a 'mystery novel' simply by never finishing it!


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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