Sunday 28 October 2012

Lord Noel Does Time

What ho! Pepys...

Here in the UK we like to Celebrate the end of the year by 'putting our clocks back' one hour. We have always done this ever since clocks were invented and nobody quite remembers why. Some people believe it was done because there was a growing hatred for clockmakers back then - after all it was because of them that we ended up having to get to places on time! Some people would have you believe it is still done today to help the farmers who like getting up early - but not too early - others say it's because of the schoolchildren - who love going to school in the dark - others say it's for the benefit of cows and chickens - who don't even wear watches!
Creating time shift differences like this as Halloween approaches helps us get ready to celebrate the new year. And there are going to be several people who sincerely wish they could put also the clock back. They are so called 'celebrities' who enjoyed hanging around with Sir James Saville otherwise known as 'the wretched old sex perv'. They would have been people who, at the time, were enjoying a great deal of adoration and attention from younger children - some of whom they went on to get far too close to. Their time has finally come. The system which has protected the now 'old pervs' for so long has moved on. The Police investigation so far has revealed many of them who are now lining up to be questioned and also a paedophile ring which was operating in none other than the British Parliament with deliberate cover ups being orchestrated by the then Prime Minister and Illegal Warmonger Tony Blair (that's why the papers surrounding the Dumblain shooting incident have been made 'secret' and unrevealable under the Freedom of Information Act for 100 years!).
In this time of celebration of death I feel it is only my duty to reveal to you that Sir James Saville may not be dead at all! I know we all saw a coffin being buried on TV but who amongst us actually checked that he was indeed inside? The following extract from an 1857 newspaper leads me to believe that James Saville may be either a Time Traveller or ....worse still - one of the Undead! In which case....we are still not safe!

Happy Samhain! Y'all
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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