Thursday 7 April 2011

Lord Noel Explains 'The Science Of Earthquakes'

Whatto! Peeps....

Occasionally Britain is subject to small earthquakes.  
These are usually either oscillatory, or trepidatory, or a combination of both.  
Most people might be confused about these two types, so I thought it wise to let everyone know the difference.
So - What's the difference between an oscillatory and a trepidatory earthquake?

1. This explanation is for engineers: 

2. And this one is for non engineers:

This is a trepidatory earthquake 
-with it's distinctive up and down movement.....

         This is an oscillatory earthquake 

with it's distinctive side to side movement...
And this is a combination of both trepidatory and oscillatory:        
Isn't science beautiful when it's properly explained?

Best Wishes - Lord Noel