Thursday 14 February 2008

Lord Noel Celebrates Valentines Day

What ho! Everyone again!!

As you will no doubt have gathered - it is Valentines Day today....... and both Lady J and myself found ourselves fully loved up!!

Lady J and myself are most partial to a celebration or two at the slightest notice with the flimsiest of excuses!

So imagine my surprise.................. when on this particular occasion we received an unexpected visit from another attractive couple!

At first I found them so difficult to identify......................... but they immediately seemed to be marvelous company and obviously up for a laugh!

He was certainly someone who impressed me! ..................he had a certain je ne saia quoi and was someone who I would have referred to once as a "Cool Dude"!

His outfit certainly seemed to remind me of something - but i think it was a different era!

And the female was certainly different!...............

I quickly became facinated by her excessive facial hair!

I don't know if you can pick it up on this photo but her top lip is covered in downy fluff!!!

But that only held my attention for a short while .......................I couldn't help but notice the snazzy apparelle that the male had on his feet!

As someone who likes to consider themselves at the height of fashion ............I was immediately envious of him!

He then went on to say that he'd recently invented a comic book character called "Mr. Breasteyes" and proceeded to do impressions of him in my living room!

The sheer audacity of the man!

A character like this could NEVER exist in a normal, decent society!!

Then the penny dropped!!

I looked again at the female!......................

This time - without the moustache.................. and I realised it was none other than Lady Mellisa McChucker................

She's got so much front it's UNBELIEVABLE!!

It was then....... that the penny dropped...... again!

If Lady Melissa was here.......... then that meant..... that the male with her..........
.......... (unless she'd turned up with a completely different chap)..... was none other than ... twin BROTHER!!!!

Lord Leon!!

.........he pulled off his moustache and laughed loudly - right in my face!!

With the fearless quality of a man who has consumed something 'other than fully authorised alcohol' - (if you know what I mean)!!

The night soon progressed into a series of sights and sounds that cannot be fully described in mixed company or to those of a nervous disposition!!

So I will draw a heavy veil over the proceedings now - to protect the innocent!!

Nevertheless I enjoyed a Happy Valentines Day!

Tallyho everyone!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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