Sunday 18 May 2014

Lord Noel On TV

Whatto! Pepys....

In these days of uncertainty and worry, if I ever want to feel reassured and comforted...
...I always put on our National News Network - The BBC.
It's tried and tested and respected the World over as a purveyor of British opinion...
...and it helps to reassure me that all is well.
I would never, for instance expect to see anything like this on the BBC...

Because I need to remain convined that 250,000 civilians in Iraq lost their lives when GB joined America is a massive bombing campaign because the Evil Saddam Hussein had lots of weapons of mass destruction which somehow we haven't managed to find yet.
Neither would I expect my daily contentment to become unbalanced in any way by my beloved TV Channel chosing to interview someone with a dubiously disgusting name....
That's why you would NEVER find The British Broadcasting Company featuring people like this!...

Well? I ask BFM TV - Did your feature with 'General Arse Biscuites' help to 'clear the air'?

or this....

Well? 2 TV - Was everything that 'Mike Litoris' had to say 'on the button'?

or this....

Well? Unidentified TV station - Did your piece with 'Willie Stroker' give your audience satisfaction?

or this...

Well? Local News 7 - Was this really necessary?
No! It most definitely WAS NOT!
I want my TV Station to constantly reassure me that my life is perfectly 'Normal' and that everything is the way it should be.
If standards are allowed to slip to the standards allowed by these other inferior TV Companies then who knows what might happen?
We may even begin to discover the truth! 


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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