Friday 14 October 2011

Lord Noel's FREE Health Service

Whatto! Peeps...
Due to the continued success of my FREE on line Medical advice...
...the NHS has agreed to send me some more patients...
Here's one from my swollen in box

"Dear Lord Noel
My wife is worried that I am becoming too Possessive...
Everytime she returns from a shopping trip 
I seem unable to control myself
...and end up firing lots of questions at her such as
'Where'd you go shopping?' 
'What did you get?' and 'How much was it?'
I'm worried that my behaviour will destroy my marriage!
Please help! 
Yours - Lionel Stench"

"Dear Lionel
Thank you for writing to me for help..
...I may just be in the nick of time.
I have come across this sort of behaviour before
and I am pleased to inform you 
that you are definitely not 'Possessive''re just buycurious."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel