Thursday 27 October 2011

Lord Noel Says "Watch Out! - It's All Kicking Orf!"

Whatto! Peeps...

With everything happening elsewhere in the World..
...all the Wars...
...Pollution...'s quite reassuring when the latest news in the UK includes this...

...and even the BBC cover a story like this.
So I am pleased to add a little local news of our own this frantic melting pot....

I blame the Media for taking what started orf as a kerfuffle and blowing it up out of all proportion into a To do and then continuing to fan the flames until it became the fully blown Rumpus we are now experiencing. If this is not dealt with immediately by the Authorities then I fully expect that next year this is likely to become a Commotion or maybe Uproar! You have been warned!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel