Monday 20 August 2007

Lady Jacqueline Calls Police!

Well....there I was sitting quietly in the lounge, enjoying a glass of champers & reading a thoroughly interesting book...when I heard the most loud bang somewhere in the local vicinty! Being a Lady and alone in the manor (Lord H was playing a whist game at the local gentleman's club) I was scared out of my wits, I called the Police.

Can you imagine my disappointment when this turned up!

Well, honestly, I felt like a criminal myself when I saw what they'd sent to apparently help me!
A large, gruff & horribly impolite little man.
Naturally, I complained in the strongest terms and called the Private Police...just 3 minutes later, this fabulous policeman turned up....

He had me sorted in no time! & the little darling even brought more champange!
He stayed for...let me think now...5 minutes, or was it 5 hours?....Oh! I really don't recall....but then I was very verrry drunk! ;-)
Here's to a few more loud bangs in the night! Whatto!

Toodle pip for now!
Lady J

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