Monday 30 December 2013

Lord Noel Reviews 2013

Whatto! Pepys...

When one looks back over the happening of this year, one could very quickly become dispondent:
Wars are still raging throughout the so called 'Civilised' world.
Countries that were invaded still seem much worse off since they were given their enforced 'Liberation' by global oil seekers.
People who have protested peacefully have been arrested and disappeared from public view.
People who have exposed Government lies and deceptions have been locked up indefinitely as criminals or forced to leave the country and go into hiding.

Weather becomes more extreme and yet climate change still isn't being addressed by anyone.

Indeed weather control seems to be this years hot topic with tornados deliberately being started by technological advancements yet curable illnesses still claim too many lives each year.
Corruption in third world governments means vital supplies still do not reach the public but instead fall into the coffers of armament companies that feed on war and destruction.
Monsanto makes massive strides towards controlling the Worlds food supply with help from corrupt officials who move from positions in Govt to private corporations with sickening ease.
Meanwhile the now privatised energy companies increase their prices continually to maintain a healthy profit margin for their shareholders, despite their raw product prices dropping.

Innocent Muslims who were 'cleared for release' from Gitmo 11 years ago are still imprisoned there.
Here in the UK the NHS is being dismantled for the benefit of private companies.

Politicans and Royalty feed themselves from the trough of public money with such ferocious energy (as if time is somehow running out) whilst the public are having their benefits cut, having a tax imposed on them for having an extra bedroom and forced onto the 'Workfare' (Slave) system which allows big
Corporations to boost their profits by 'employing' people at no cost.
The deliberate manipulation of money by corrupt Banks that rig interest rates and launder Drug Money allow the rich to get richer whilst Foodbanks flourish.

and by the way...
Fukishima is leaking like mad but no-one wants to talk about that radioactive elephant in the room.


there have been some lovely moments on which to reflect...
A Global revulsion by people who were against the premeditated invasion of Syria by USA an 'Alies' caused it to be put on hold!
Russia released the protestors from 'Pussy Riot'
People involved in Permaculture kept planting trees and helping to protect microcosms of Nature.
and here at Virtual Manor we kept feeding the Love that we ultimately share with our family and friends.
My gorgeous daughter became a happily married woman!

Who knows what 2014 will bring?
I suspect much more of the same...
But I am confident that there are enough people out there who are in touch with their humanity to keep us on track and help us make the World a better place.
There bally well better be!

But whatever else happens - just remember this...

As a Human being you have 46 chromosomes - which is only 2 less than an ordinary potato!
Your eyes are each composed of 130,000,000 photoreceptor cells.

In each of those individual photoreceptor cells there are 100,000,000,000,000 (trillion) atoms - and that amount is more than the number of all the known stars in the milky way galaxy!
A rainbow's existence is entirely because of the tiny conical receptors in your eyes. This is because animals without cones cannot see rainbows, but you can.
All of the colours you can see still only represent less than 1% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum but they include every colour of the rainbow.

You can also hear less than 1% of the entire acoustic spectrum, but this is the same limited acoustic spectrum from which we get Tschaicovsky, Elvis, Bach, Beatles, Led Zep and Pink Floyd.
The atoms in your body are almost 100% empty space and none of them are the ones you were born with.
As you are reading this you are on the shell of an amazing ball of earth and water that provides us with everything we could possibly need, and it is somehow floating through space at 220 Km per second round a galaxy of stars and planets that form part of a Galaxy created from a massive explosion that occurred millenia ago and all the vital atoms in you body originated in the belly of an exploding star. 
You're Special! 


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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