Whatto! Labourers.......
I was walking through the countryside yesterday..............
.....enjoying the lovely sunshine.........
..... when I heard a couple of chaps arguing in a nearby field.......
.....so I went across to see if I could help.
One chap I recognised named Pat was 'having a go' at another chap I didn't recognise......
...something about work.......
...so I thought.............(having spent some time as a Diplomat with the Foreign Office).......... my timely intervention may just help to smooth things over...........
"Whatto!" I intervened......"What's the problem here then Gentlemen?"
Pat said "Oh! Hello Lord Noel.......me and Mick here have just started installing telegraph poles in the area....... and he thinks I got him sacked! I got him the job as I've been doing this sort of work for years....like my father before me"......
.....and he showed me a black and white photo of some telegraph poles that his father put up in the 1950's...............
"How fascinating!" I remarked.....examining the picture more closely.
"Well anyway" Pat continues "At the end of the first week we both go to collect our wages and the boss tells Mick he's sacked."
"Really?" I reply "Why was that?"
This time Mick spoke..............
"Well, Lord Noel......my boss said 'Pat has put in 50 poles this week and you have only done 5'.............
....So I went to check what Pat had done............
.....and once I'd seen what he'd done I went straight back to the Boss and said, “I know I only did 5 poles to Pat's 50, but look how far he's left them sticking out of the ground!” "
Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline
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