Tuesday 15 April 2008

Lord Noel Meets The Travellers

Whato! Everyone!

The idea of travelling has always facinated me............. I've always found it somewhat exotic!

Recently we were offered a brand new tarmacadam drive at a really special rate by some very nice people who called themselves 'travellers'.

Unfortunately they are forever being plagued by someone from some TV programme called 'Crime Watch' who keeps stalking them, wanting to take their photo so I had to agree to blank their faces out on here.

They all seemed very nice but unfortunately the deeds of the manor preclude the use of tarmac within the grounds so I was unable to take advantage of this 'once in a lifetime offer'.

So I asked them if there was anything else they could turn their hand to................. Luckily enough they were ALL experts on renovating silverware! How fortunate was that?!
I gladly handed over all our tarnished antique silverware to them which they promised to polish and return to us asap.......

- apparently the sort we have is very rare and takes a long time to clean properly so we can't expect to see it any time soon.

Anyway............. to show their appreciation of our generous hospitality they invited us to visit them in THEIR home!!

It was rather humbling to see the squalid conditions that some people in England have to live in!
We were then invited to visit THEIR manor at Thorpe Park where they had constructed numerous rides - some of which looked decidely exciting so Lady J and myself partook of as many as we could in the time we were allowed.
Apparently ALL travellers have secret knowledge of Fairs and Amusements and JOYRIDES which is passed down from generation to generation as closely guarded secrets!

I was even more overcome by their generosity when they offered to take us out for lunch at a restaurant called 'Burger King' - a pleasant but basic place where everything was sold and eaten in boxes................. probably one of those new 'fad' restaurants.............. I can't imagine people actually wanting to eat their lunch or supper regularly from boxes like this........... but the O'Reilly family (as these travellers were known) said it was very popular..........

I was even more surpised when Mr O'Reilly told us that he'd spotted that there seemed to be a fire in one part of the restaurant so we had to leave quickly by the toilet window............... obviously his sight is far more acute than mine - for I hadn't noticed a thing!!!
We were obviously very grateful to them all for protecting us so well................ and Mr O'Reilly assured me that he would return to the Restaurant to settle the bill the following day.
Anyway - we were lucky enough to be invited back to their caravan for dessert and it was a delicious sponge pudding made by a nearby family called the Tesco's

It was then that there was the sound of Police cars outside and I was surprised to see Mr O'Reilly immediately commencing a game of 'Spoons on noses'!
This game is a traditional one played among travellers and it means they have to sit perfectly still and the first one to drop their spoon or make a sound is thrown into a nearby river!

This was obviously very awkward timing - as the Police were now knocking on the awning - but the seriousness with which these fine people took this ancient game meant that even this pressure was not enough to break their resolve to win.

In the end the Police officers left - and much later Lady J and myself made an excuse and left the O'Reilly family (spoons still in place).....................
.............to make our way back to our own humble abode.
Later on one of the children was kind enough to send us a photo of themselves doing what they called 'a Toff impression' - it was rather amusing!

So I say to everyone - if you get a chance to talk to these Traveller types - please do ...............
They're very decent types who often live under very difficult circumstances............
If you can...................... invite them into your home.................. it's a very rewarding experience!!
Tallyho everyone!!
Lord Noel
Ps. Our Bally silver must have been extra especially dirty - it still hasn't turned up yet!

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