Wednesday 10 December 2008

Lord Noel's Rubbish Joke

Whatto! Waste disposers...............

Andy Tierney of Hinckley, Leicestershire was recently issued the fixed penalty notice for littering.....................
"Good Show!" I'd normally say at this point - as I detest any kind of littering............
but this situation called for further investigation..............
Hinckley and Bosworth Council accused him of committing "an offence under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Domestic refuse from your property was dumped into a street litter bin the fixed penalty is £50."
Apparently Andy was walking from his house to his car when his postman handed him two junk mail letters..................
He opened both letters as he strolled - then put them into a bin which had been conveniently placed by the roadside....................

Council officials traced him from the addresses on the envelopes and issued the penalty.........
Which begs the question........
......"Who actually bothers to read this discarded rubbish?"
Apparently the Council have 'Rubbish Placement Transgressor Inspectors' otherwise known as 'Neighbourhood Wardens' who carry out such sterling work........
"If we find a black bin bag in a litter bin, we will sift through the rubbish and attempt to identify who put it there," they said.......................
These "eyes and ears of the local community" are the individuals who espied Tierney putting some litter in a bin and quickly filed a report.
The average council tax charge in Hinckley and Bosworth is £1,242.97 a year and Council tax charges have risen by about 100% nationally over the past decade.
But this is a small price for such extraordinary vigilance and devotion to the cause!
Best wishes - Lord Noel

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