Thursday 4 December 2008

Getting it orf your chest!

Whatto! Wobbly ones....................
Rachel Kitayama-Moore of Takapuna, New Zealand now has up to 3,000 bras!.....................
..............and she's looking for more!!..........................
A Rotarian, Rachel has been collecting, washing and drying pre-used bras from around New Zealand as part of 'Operation Pacific Uplift' to send to Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga and Papua New Guinea where many women cannot afford them.................
"Some women live without a bra because secondhand ones are rare in larger sizes and a new bra can cost up to 30 hours’ wages" says Rachel........................
"Sports bras for farm work and maternity bras are in particularly high demand"...........
she told reporters "Colleagues sidle up to me with a bag and say 'don’t judge me by my underwear'. I really got to know my friends very intimately!"......................
So come on Ladies!...............
............Orf with your bras!.......
.......It's for a very worthwhile cause!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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