Friday 30 August 2013

Lord Noel's Horoscopic Tips

Whatto! Peeps...

Due to the powers divested in me by the 'Spirit of Champagne Passed'...
I find that I have been given the ability to predict the future for some lucky individuals...

Today it's the turn of Libra!

Librans: Some people just cannot see past your fatness to the real you. On Wednesday your head will appear to a seated friend as a vast pockmarked moon rising above the seemingly endless flesh horizon of planet flab.
You're welcome!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 29 August 2013

Lady Jacqueline does Charity Work

Whatto! Peeps.....

When the rail in her dressing room collapsed from the weight of all her clothes, Lady Jacqueline finally decided to donate some of her less fashionable garments to charity. 
Whilst gathering up those things she no longer wore, she checked all the pockets....
....and in one coat she found a ticket for shoes she’d taken in to be repaired nearly four years before. “So that’s what happened to those,” she muttered to herself. 
Now, being a woman who has modelled herself on Emelda Marcos when it comes to shoe collections, she wasn't really in need of yet another pair...
...but she decided, after dropping off the clothes, to call in and see if the repairman still had her shoes. 
She duly handed over the crumpled ticket and after studying it for a few moments, the repairman handed it back to her and said “I’m sorry, but those won’t be ready until Friday.” 

Best Wishes - Lord Noel 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Lord Noel Reveals - The Tell Tale Signs

Whatto! Peeps....

Now that the warmer weather has arrived....
.....and unusual behaviour is considered 'derigor' may notice a sight that is becoming more frequent.... the more decent Pubs scattered around this green and pleasant land of ours.
As a complete Novice at this Ancient and gentle Pursuit.....
...who is still filled with great enthusiasm and gusto....
....I thought I would use myself as an example of what to look out for in a typical Morris Dancer....

....and of course....a very broad SMILE!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 25 August 2013

Lord Noel on Bullying Insects

 Whatto! Peeps
I awoke this morning to find this note stuck on my fridge!.....

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 23 August 2013

Lord Noel's Thought For Today

Whatto! peeps...

Being a man of great local standing and integrity I like to remind myself every now and then...
...of something my late Grandmother used to say to me...
...and because of what she said every time she was late...
...of why I got where I am today...
...right here... here!

She said...
"It takes a lifetime to build a reputation 
- but only a moment to totally destroy it. 
Very much like self-assembly furniture."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Lord Noel Talks to Tex Support

Whatto! Peeps...
Rebooting the computer
If, like me, you have occasional problems with the old hardware and believe it may be attributable to the passage of time causing obsolesence or possibly some virulent virus that one may have contracted whilst out surfing - it's good to know there is a human geek out there in virtual world - a man known as Tex Support who can give one guidance, in virtual English....

Tex Support: "Lord Noel I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."

Lord Noel: "Ok.......done."

Tex Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"

Lord Noel: "I didn't get anything, No."

Tex Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"

Lord Noel: "No......I see nothing unusual or interesting happening at all."

Tex Support: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?"

Lord Noel: "Of course! I've done exactly what was asked of me - you told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click' and still nothing's bally well happened."

Tex Support: "Sigh....."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Sunday 18 August 2013

Lord Noel Gets The Job Done

Whatto! Pepys...

I am always asked, as someone who considers themselves to be an expert in the field of interviewing (I was regularly seconded to interview panels in the Foreign Office during my time there) if I would like to share with you some interview tips which I believe could clinch it for you in that 'all important' job interview.
And today I said 'Yes!'


 Remember first impressions count
So when you are shown to the interview room, always walk further up the corridor and say
"I always go the extra mile!"
Then click your heels together
and do a small Hitler salute.
This action will cement you as a lasting impression onto their subconscious!
As you walk into the interview room with the interviewer, try to make small talk with them such as
"You look like my real father"
"Do you think I look nice?".
This simple act will immediately endear you to the interviewer before you've even sat down! 
Then, as soon as you enter the room, loosen your tie and say
“Phew! Is it me or did it just get 100% more dynamic in here?”
Then high five yourself.
Remember to smile continually during this introductory phase.
There is however one exception.
If they ask if you got here all right, immediately lose the smile and reply
“I always succeed in getting to where I’m going”
then do a sweeping kung fu style kick over the chair you've been given to sit down in.

Everything so far is going according to plan.


You must build a personal rapport with the interviewer as soon as possible.
A tried and trusted method is to produce 2 cans of Dr Pepper and push one over to your interviewer.
Then break open yours and say to them
"Virgo. Am I right?"
You have a one in twelve chance of random success right there.
If they answer
"No... Libra"
...immediately look puzzled but slowly let an expression of realisation flood over your face
as if you suddenly 'understand'.
Then lean forward and whisper to them
"You crafty minx!" 
The beauty of this scenario is that is works whether your interviewer is male or female.
By this point you will have made a great impression on your interviewer
and they will no doubt want to show you some sign of their affection.
If they extend their hand for you to shake,
enclose it carefully inside both of your cupped hands and say
"Look! A hand cuddle! I love this job."


Any experienced and successful interviewee who reaches this point will know that, in the next few minutes, what separates him (or her - but usually him) from every other candidate will be the amount of preparation he has done beforehand.
YOU will be sitting very comfortably knowing that you have some extra special secret weapons
in your arsenal of secret arsenal weapons.
And Yes!
I DO mean Props! 
Imagine the impact you can have by simply giving your interviewer
a carefully hollowed out pork pie
and then leaning back and saying
"That pie is your company right now!
And I’m your pork!"
Any astute interviewer will immediately grasp the enormity of this situation.
Another trick you can employ is to bring a brightly coloured box with you
and then, during the interview
point at it several times saying
"I do all my thinking outside of that." 
If this happens in front of me I feel a sudden rush of moistness
and I know I'm in the presence of a true 'Winner'.


It is customary for Interviewers to offer any Candidate a drink.
This is a delberate ploy to see how you react.
If you are asked if you want anything to drink, say "Just a glass of job please!"
Then laugh for 24 seconds.
No less.
This shows them again that not only do you want the job
and realise that you are at an interview for a job
but also that you have a really great sense of humour
and an accurate sense of timekeeping.
Big score.
If you are offered the chance to pour yourself a drink -
But choose water from a jug
because you are now about to take this interview
to another level!
And you'll be utilising THEIR props
to make a success of yourself!
It's so easy to show your potential future employer that you are the sort of person who will give 110% by simply pouring 10% too much water into your glass.
Watch their faces the water runs out of the glass
...and over your hand
...onto the floor.
Smile knowingly.
You're a Winner!


If the interviewer starts mentioning dull subjects about the Company like products, profits or holiday entitlements this is a sign that you need to bring the subject matter back to something more important - YOU!
Tell them you won’t need a lunch hour because you’re powered by results.
Then make a low powerboat noise for 140 seconds.
Even if they talk over your powerboat noise...
By finishing your self-allocated 140 seconds of sound effects you have once again proved that you are someone who cannot be easily swayed from action and that you have the confidence and determination to carry out whatever you set your mind to and see it through to the end.
There are a number of other ways the Winning Candidate can subliminally increase their chances of success without even having to speak!
For example, you can easily wear football socks.
This will immediately give the illusion
that you are a healthy, fit and sporty character. 
Then, by slowly hitching your trousers up a few inches during the interview
you are subconsciously conveying to them that you are a team player!
The well prepared Candidate will always go the extra mile
and have ‘Sustained Growth’ embroidered down the outside of each sock
in letters large enough for the interviewer to quickly discern.
Well Done You!


You will be using the interviewers name almost every other word as you speak
to increase the intimacy between you both.
By the end of the interview the interviewer MUST feel as if they they have known you their whole life,
to the point that, if you showed up at their house that evening for supper
they would assume you knew where the toilet was
and that they were, in some way, related to you.
If you commit the Cardinal Sin of not thoroughly memorising their name
don't worry too much 
you can easily overcome this problem
by simply referring to them as "Jobsy" or "Jobbo" or "Jobman".

Lazy Traps!

Even experienced Interviewers fall into what I like to call 'Lazy Traps'.
These are common questions that crop up so frequently that it's worth preparing for them.

"What are your weaknesses?"

When asked what your weaknesses are for instance, just say 'Kate Middleton'.
This immediately shows that you love Royalty and babies and watch hours of State run television.
Don't say stuff like 'persistent lateness' 'laziness' or 'death'.

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?"

When asked where you see yourself in 5 years time,
you should say
"As the owner of a hotel for cats"
and tap the side of your nose like you know the market.
Or you may prefer at this juncture, to make use of the interview room for dramatic effect.
It is, after all - YOUR STAGE!
In which case you can say
“I hope to become part of the furniture here”
then immediately crouch into a ball pretending to be a stool.
Hold this position for 4 minutes.
If you find you have been given a gas filled chair to sit in,
it's a simple matter when asked where you see yourself in five years’ time,
to make your gas-filled chair rise up above them all...
and looking down, you should say
"Here, Dawg!"
Your proven ability to improvise in stressful situations will considerably impress any interviewer
"Why do you think you are ideal for this job?"
If you are asked "Why do you think you are ideal for this job?" you again have several options open to you.
Personally I would recommend slowly unbuttoning your shirt to reveal a Superman ‘S’ and then say
"Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No, it’s increased productivity!"
Or, if you prefer a more dramatic response you can show you’re a fast learner
by wearing an L plate round your neck and a Usain Bolt face-mask.
Don’t speak.
They’ll get it.
But what could be better than again utilising your pre-prepared 'sock prop'?
Drawing attention to this prop ensures that any message on your sock will be clearly seen as you remove it and then, wearing it as a sock puppet on one hand, make it whisper in your ear and say
"What’s that you say, Mr Wuzzles?
I seem to be the IDEAL person for the job?"
Then pass around some mints.
You have literaly got them eating out of your hand!
... or your sock if it's still on.
You can also utilise technology by making your phone ring... 
...then you simply answer it saying
"I can’t talk now,
I’m on a date...
...a date...
..... with Destiny!”
Then wink at them.
They LOVE that.
By now you will have made such a lasting impression
that you can begin to plan what you will be spending you new salary on.
And depending on the amount of salary involved it might be worth your while investing some of it to utilise success within the interview with yet another 'Winning Strategy'
Simply hire a billboard across the road from the interview room!
A billboard that shows YOU wrestling a bear!
By pointing to it occasionally as you speak you will be guaranteeing that they recognise the seriousness of the situation.
You can also Guarantee a second interview by wearing clown shoes at the first interview and not mentioning it until the second interview.

You're welcome!
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 16 August 2013

Lord Noel Learns Of Tasty Work

Whatto! pepys...

In an alcohol factory the regular taster died and the director started looking for a new one to hire.
A drunkard with ragged, dirty look came to apply for the position.
The director of the factory wondered how to send him away.
They tested him.
They gave him a glass with a drink. He tried it and said, "It's red wine, a muscat, three years old, grown on a north slope, matured in steel containers."
"That's correct", said the boss.
Another glass.
"It's red wine, cabernet, eight years old, a south-western slope, oak barrels."
A third glass.
"It's champagne, high grade and exclusive" calmly said the drunk.
The director was astonished.
He winked at his secretary to suggest something.
She brought in a glass of urine. The alcoholic tried it.
"It's a blonde, 26 years old, pregnant in the third month.
And if you don't give me the job, I'll name the father!"
He got the job !!!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Thursday 15 August 2013

Lord Noel Sees Signs of Nonesense

 Whatto! Peeps...

 If, like me, you've encountered signs during your daily life that don't seem to make any sense... you find yourself asking "Is it me?"...


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Lord Noel on Criminal Minds

Undercover Police spring into action in special Squads

Whatto! Peeps....
According to Mid-Day, a popular news service in Mumbai, a gang of thieving eunuchs are hypnotising unwitting housewives and relieving them of their valuables:
Asha Dilip Pandit, 55, was chatting with her daughter Shivali, 26, a teacher, when two eunuchs entered their home. Shivali gave them some cash but the eunuchs refused to leave, while one of them asked for a glass of water. While Shivali was getting them water the other eunuch asked for tea.
One of the eunuchs followed Shivali into the kitchen. The other sat at the entrance of the house and told Asha that according to Vaastu Shastra, her entrance was in the wrong direction. This, she was told, was the main cause of suffering in the family.
The eunuch then asked for an empty glass, water and salt. They asked Asha and Shivali to watch the glass, and hypnotised them. They stole Asha’s mangalsutra and gold chain, Shivali’s gold ring and her father’s ring
“The eunuch entered my house at 10.45 am. We regained consciousness at 12.30 pm. We don’t remember anything that happened in between,” said Asha. They later managed to piece together the story after one of their neighbour’s told them that a eunuch was seen standing outside the house.
On realising they were looted, the family registered an FIR at LT Marg police station. The incident apparently is a common one in the area.
“We have carried out several raids to trace the gang of eunuchs who are hypnotising people before looting them. We have carried out searches at Kamathipura, Tardeo, Mahim, Bandra, Colaba and Bhandup areas,” said a police officer.
We would like to remind our readers to steer well clear of anybody making non-sequiterial requests for liquids and salts anywhere within your vicinity and to guard your family jewels with renewed vigilance.

I'd say a crime like this takes balls... but apparently I'm wrong
Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 10 August 2013

Lord Noel on 'Maybe You Should Have Moved On'

Whatto! Peeps...

With a major recession on the way there are a few tell tale signs that you may have spent far too long with the same Organistion......

...If your working life displays four or more of these signs then it's pretty certain...

Your salary has remained roughly the same for the past four years whilst Board members now take home more money than the budgets of the entire third world countries combined.

You know exactly how many days you've got left until you retire.
New Interviewees, despite not having the relevant knowledge or experience, terminate the interview when they find out the starting salary.
You see a good looking, smart person and you know they must be a visitor.

The work experience person gets a brand-new state-of-the-art laptop with all the features, but you have time to go for lunch while yours powers up.

Being 'off sick' is now redefined as 'you can't walk or you're in hospital'.

You're already late on the assignment you've only just been given and your boss's favorite lines seem to be: When you've got a few minutes...Could you just fit this in...? your spare time...when you're freed up...I know you're busy but...this is a great opportunity for you... 
There's no money in the budget for the five permanent staff your department is short of, but they can afford four full-time management consultants advising your boss's boss on 'strategy'.

Holiday is something you have to keep rolling over to next year.

Every week another brown collection envelope comes round because someone you didn't know had started is now leaving and you start to wonder "Who's going to be left to put into MY 'leaving' collection?"

The only reason you recognize your kids is because their pictures are on your desk.

Women employees wear makeup specifically designed for fluorescent lighting.
Free food left over from meetings has become your staple diet.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Friday 9 August 2013

Lord Noel's Thought For Today

Whatto! Peeps..

Today's message is simply one of honesty and common sense...

"You can only become a better person by learning from your today why not go out and do something really, really stupid?"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Lord Noel's Celebrity Friends

Whatto! Peeps...

When they heard I was planning a huge fund raising effort here at Virtual Manor to generate some much needed cash for my 'Champagne replacement programme'...
...ALL of my Celebrity friends immediately sent me useable and amusing quotes with which to generate public interest.... are just a few of them....

Cheers! Me dears!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Monday 5 August 2013

Lord Noel Asks "Did You Know?"

Whatto! Peeps...

Did You Know?

That if your lambs are stained, try new Lamoxident, voted Europe's top sheep whitening treatment by readers of Pristine Ruminant magazine. Lamoxident uses effervescent oxygenacious hydroenlivening technology to lift dirt and grime from your lambs, leaving them minty fresh.

You're welcome!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

Saturday 3 August 2013

Lord Noel's Horoscopic Ability Strikes Again!

Whatto! Peeps...


You discover that your girlfriend is eating for two! 
She's not pregnant, she's just a fat fucker.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel