Wednesday 17 December 2008

Lord Noel Says Ho! Ho! Holy Shit!

Whatto! Festive types................

Santas life is certainly an exciting one............... this report from Brazil illustrates..............

"As the violent Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro celebrates the Christmas season drug traffickers in a Rio slum opened fire on a helicopter carrying a Santa to a children's party, apparently mistaking it for a police helicopter, police said on Tuesday.................

"They thought it was a police operation and started shooting. Luckily, nobody was hurt," a police official said...............

The helicopter had to return to its base after the attack. Two bullet holes were found in its fuselage...............

Police said the pilot, contracted to take an actor dressed as Santa to the party in the Nova Mare slum, was flying over the neighbouring Vila Joao shantytown when it was fired upon on Sunday.......

Santa later returned to Nova Mare by car to distribute Christmas presents. Most of Rio's 700-plus slums are controlled by drug traffickers and are not regularly patrolled by police, who instead go into the slums in military-style raids, often using helicopters and armoured vehicles......"

Tallyho! Santa!

best wishes - Lord Noel

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