Saturday 13 December 2008

Lord Noel's Iconic Bedroom Posters

What ho! Everyone.................
I was chatting to a couple the other day and the subject matter got around to 'teenage years'...........
He mentioned having a certain poster on the wall of his bedroom...............
.....and his wife said that her brother had the same one on his!
Thus began my quest for 'Iconic Bedroom Posters'................
Here's my final mixture..............
I've chosen from various eras to satisfy most ages....................
I wonder how many of these you recognise fondly .................
......from the many hours incarcerated in your room as a teenager!?
I've given the names further below.....................

And the names are:
Lucille Ball (Long running comedienne)
Marlene Deitrich (sultry german actress)
Linda Lusardi (Sun Page 3 fame)
Rachel Welch (being gloriously primitive here)
Marilyn (who else) Monroe
Linda Carter (aka Wonder Woman)
Linda Lusardi again (and why not?)
Farrah Fawcett-Majors (First Baywatch star & wife of '$million Man')
Brigit Bardot (First Sex Kitten - French........ naturally)
Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Elizabeth Taylor (Long before marriage took it's toll)
Marlene Deitrich (In an era where a ciggy was a sophisticated prop)
Pamela Anderson (Baywatch star 2 - also makes home movies)
Madonna (Became famous for having only one name and jumping around alot whilst singing!'s bally difficult - I've tried it!)
Tennis Player (My own personal favourite!)
Did you have a bedroom with walls?

Best wishes - Lord Noel