Thursday 2 October 2008

My Dad

Whatto! Everyone...............

Please allow me to introduce someone incredibly special to you.....................

My DAD!!.............

This picture was taken on a recent trip we made to the swimming pool...............

He loved it so much ................he's still talking about it....................

and that's REALLY special...................because you see.............

My DAD is an Altzheimers sufferer..............and it's very rare for him to remember ANYTHING!

All the family suffer too................

in their own way............

And today I visited him in a friendly but alien place................

because he's thrown a 'wobbly' in front of a visiting nurse............

he was deemed in 'Urgent need' of respite care..............

something my Mum has been asking for (without success) for some time...........

.......and finally they listened.....

someone in 'authority' saw my Dad expressing his ANGER..............

anger that he feels for so many reasons...........

many of which will forever remain a secret...............

trapped in the mind of a man who was once at the top of his tree in the Television Industry.........

supervising creative people and working to nail biting deadlines...............

a man.............. who now gets confused when he walks more than 100 yards from his home.........

a man.......who can't remember what he had for breakfast...............

a man........who I have to watch slowly dying before me.............

So tonight................. I look up at the beautiful clear sky and contemplate the amazing array of stars above me......I try once more to make sense of the Universe..............

But I cant stop the tears falling............

for the slow loss of a man I love with all my heart..................

My DAD..........

Love - Noel

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