Monday 6 October 2008

Morning Walk

Whatto! Everyone.............

I must say................Living in the countryside has lots of advantages...............'s lovely for instance, to be able to step outside on a nice day like today and be in the middle of nature!........

Aaaaaah!.......... the fresh air!

Well anyway..........I was completing my morning preambulations and was walking along the footpath that runs along the edge of the estate when I happened across a young lady who was trying to lead two untethered cows.............. with some difficulty..............

Not being unfamiliar with the ways of Countryfolk I said "Hello! Where are you orf to on this fine morning with these magnificent beasts?"

She smiled and replied "I'm off to take these two cows to be bulled sir!"

I could see that she was still having difficulty trying to keep the animals on the footpath and was concerned for her safety so I said "Young lady - shouldn't your father be doing that?

To which she replied................ "No Sir! It HAS to be a Bull!"

Tallyho! Everyone...............

Best wishes - Lord Noel

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