Tuesday 29 September 2009

Lord Noel On Past Lives

Whatto! Newlyweds.....

Isn't life exciting for those who have just started out on life's journey together as 'Husband and Wife'?

But sometimes there are a few skeletons in the closet.......

...that only reveal themselves after people have been together for some time.

Lady Jacqueline and myself were enjoying a quiet drink in a newly refurbished wine bar yesterday afternoon when we saw a chap who seemed a bit 'down'.....
.....sitting on his own...
..staring into his pint..
...that sort of thing......

So we began talking to him.....
.....and he told us that he had discovered something about his new wife.....
....which had upset him.
We sat and listened closely.....
...and he told us more.....
Apparently they were lying in bed together on the morning of their tenth week of wedded bliss together when his wife said
“Darling, the last ten weeks with you have been so wonderful......
.....but I think that it is time I made a confession…….
....I love you so much......and.....
...... I'm not sure how you're going to take this.....
.....but for eight years before we were married......
...... I was a hooker”
The husband said that understandably he was totally 'gobsmacked' by this revelation......
.......but he pondered it for a moment and then.....
....looking into his wife's eyes.....
..... he realised just how much he really loved her......and he said.......
“My love, you have been a perfect wife for ten weeks, I cannot hold your past against you, in fact.........
......maybe you could show me a few 'tricks of the trade' that you may have learnt over the years.......
.....and spice up our sex life even more?”
Apparently she then looked lovingly back into his eyes......
...took hold of his hands in hers.....
....and said....
“No I don't think you understand..........

......my name was John and I played rugby for New Zealand"

Has your partner ever surprised you with an unusual 'revelation'?

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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