Sunday 15 December 2013

Lord Noel On Engineers

Whatto! Pepys...

Engineers are the clever boffins who create the wonderful gadgets that permeate our modern society.

Yet they never seem to make as much money as the business executives who run the companies.

Why is this?

I asked an Engineer friend of mine why this situation might arise and subsequently he provided me with this rigorous mathematical proof to explain this phenomenon:

Postulate 1. Knowledge is Power

Postulate 2. Time is Money

As every engineer knows:


---------- = POWER (1)


The more WORK you put in, the more POWER.

Even Better, doing the same WORK in less TIME gives more POWER.

Since KNOWLEDGE=POWER, and TIME=MONEY, we can rewrite Equation (1) as:


------------ = KNOWLEDGE (2)


Solving for MONEY we get:


-------------------- = MONEY


Thus, as KNOWLEDGE approaches zero, Money approaches infinity regardless of the WORK done.

The Inescapable Conclusion: The Less You Know, the More You Make.

Tallyho!   Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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