Sunday 9 August 2009

Lord Noel Sees Signs Of A Village

Whatto! Villagers....... 

You will all know what it's like to live in a small community.
Where everyone knows each other very well.......
....either because they grew up and went to school together......
....or they are related.
For that reason, it's quite natural for those living in villages to turn to other villagers for assistance if and when it is required.....
....especially in emergencies.
I saw one of our elderly inhabitants - 'Old Clive' - yesterday whilst I was walking down a country lane near to Virtual Manor.
He was with the Vicar and they both appeared to be struggling to carry a large sign.
I stopped and offered them my assitance...........
.....and noticed that the sign was home made.
The Vicar smiled and said "Old Clive here has kindly made this sign for us to put up."
I read it, and it said:
"Da End is Near! Turn Yo Sef 'Roun Now......Afore It Be Too Late!"
As I was reading it, a car sped past us.............
.........and the driver shouted out of his window at us,"You religious nuts!"
He then disappeared around a curve in the lane......
.......... and we heard screeching tires............
......and a big splash!
The Vicar then turned to Old Clive and said...........
..... "Maybe the sign should just say . . . . 'Bridge Out?' "

Best Wishes - Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline

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