Thursday 19 January 2012

Lord Noel Says "Obama? - Oh Bummer!"

What ho! Americans...

Were you one of the many people who genuinely rejoiced when Obama came to power?
Were you one of the many who believed that there would be real changes?
Do you now believe that nothing has changed?
Are you surprised that Obama delivered exactly the same as Bush, Clinton and Regan?
Are you now under the impression that whoever gets voted in will make no difference?
If you answered 'Yes' to these questions - Congratulations!
You have finally had your eyes opened and are now able to see through the facade 
of the modern day so called 'Democracy'.
'Democracy' that allows those in control of the money to dictate the course of an entire country.
'Democracy' that feeds you lies in order to placate you long enough to do whatever they want.
'Democracy' that invades other countries - whether they are Sovereign States or not.
'Democracy' that sends young men to kill and be killed that businesses and banks can continue to make profits.
Just ask yourself this question?
Who benefited?
Who benefited from the invasion of Afghanistan?
Who benefited from the invasion of Iraq?
...and who will benefit from the forthcoming invasion of Iran?
Was it you?
I didn't think so...
So who benefited?
Who holds the real power?
Follow the money trail to find your answer.
Good luck with the elections for your next puppet.
God Bless America!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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