Wednesday 18 January 2012

Lord Noel Offers Some Sound Advice To All The Coffee Drinkers Of The World

What ho! Pepys....

This a rare and intimate portrait of my Uncle Ralphonso.
He had a very important job at the Ministry of Fruit
(before it was disbanded after the scandal with the banana).
You can see from this picture that he was quite a catch...
and yet amazingly he remained unmarried for much of his life.
People would often comment on his luxuriant hair growth, 
...his snappy dress sense...
and the way his piercing blue eyes appeared to follow you around the room.
And he put it all down to one thing, and one thing alone.
And do you know what that one thing was?

He never, ever, ever...drank coffee!
So let that be a lesson to you all.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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