Thursday 5 January 2012

Lord Noel Pycheth A Fylm Idea He Hath In His Headeth

What ho! Pepys...

I've come up with a 
and I know that the Film Executives at these various Film Companies like a 'Storyboard'
So - for the sake of economy - I have complete'd a cheaper one below...
The story so far....

_///O\\\ ____________________\o/________
"Oh No! A huge water spider!"

"That's really the last thing I need after the day I've had!"

"Oh yeah! That's it - chew my head why don't you?"

_____________________!! / \\\Oo/// \ !!_________

_______________________!!!! \\\o/// !!!!_________
"Yeah! You don't mess with the Six Armed Man!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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