Monday 9 February 2009

Lord Noel On Growing Old Disgracefully

Whatto! Pensioners..............
Isn't old age wonderful?!.................
Finally getting to the age when you can say goodbye to work.............. for good!
And having the rest of your life to do WHATEVER you wish!................
Having reached a ripe old age myself..............
........ I'm look forward to taking advantage of the things that 'being old' has to offer...............
Such as............
.... being able to...............
Offer young people 'tips' on how I stay so young and youthful looking..............

And showing my appreciation to those who go out of their way to help me!.............

Being able to sleep ANYWHERE ...............ANYTIME................. at the drop of a hat!
(I'm actually already experiencing this .....and its lovely!)

Having all that spare time to be able to support any 'Good Cause'.................
.....or protest against societies 'Injustices'.........

And trying to make logical sense.........
..... and take advantage of.........
...... any new road markings!

Being finally able to take to the open road.............
............ and feel that cool wind in your hairs...........

And also being able to take up a new hobby.........
......... and take your talents out to the WORLD!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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