Wednesday 20 November 2013

Lord Noel On Progress

Whatto! Pepys...

In my continuing capacity as FREE online Agony Uncle I would like to reply to this plaintive plea from one of my loyal readers...

"Dear Your Highness Lord Noel
Just now my nephew said to me 'This match won't light, which is weird because it did this morning.'
Aren't modern children really stupid and dumb?!
Amos Ignor

"Dear Ignor
Thank you for addressing me by my full Title but I assure you that within informal correspondences such as this, a simple 'God' will suffice.

I know exactly what you mean about children because my gardener recently said to his son "When I was your age, the internet was called television! Now shut up and eat your alphabetti spaghetti!" Har! Har!
I must admit to being a little disappointed with Man's (and Woman's) progress to date. I always thought that by now we'd have incredible inventions all around us - things like flying cars! But instead, we seem to have blankets with sleeves!
It's very upsetting for older people like myself who would like to know there will be sufficiently technology in place to make it unecessary to have more than six maids and two Butlers.
Speaking of old people here's a very handy pick up line for any saucy elderly man...
"Hey baby, I’ve fallen for you - but I can’t get up - so can you ring the Warden?"
Hope this helps

Best Wishes - Lord Noel"

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