Thursday 14 November 2013

Lord Noel On Dogs

Whatto! Pepys...

I've been rummaging through my bulging sack once more to bring you this recent letter which I received from a dear follower...

"Dear Lord Noel,
some time ago I purchased a lovely Golden Retriever. It is a very attractive dog but has so far never brought me any gold. Can you help?
Yours sincerely Dick Breayth"

"Dear Dick,
I had a Golden Retriever once and he was actually a rescue dog. He used to rescue things like food from the bin and socks from the laundry basket.
I thought he might benefit from a bit of training, so I bought a book on obedience...
but it turns out the dog can't even read!
Hope this helps!
Best Wishes
Lord Noel"

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