Saturday 26 October 2013

Lord Noel Sets A Maths Problem

Whatto! Pepys...

I was sitting in our kitchen here at Virtual Manor when I decided to pose my good Lady wife a mathematics problem.
"Lady Jacqueline...." I began "if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun how many would be left?"
Immediately she replied "None,"
"What makes you say that?" I ventured
"Because the rest would fly away!" she confidently replied.
"Well the 'actual' answer is four," I said, "but I like the way you`re thinking."
Lady Jacqueline then said, "Now I have a question for you Lord Noel....
...If there were three men eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking his cone, the second was biting the cone and the third was scooping it with a spoon, which one is married?"
"Well...." I began nervously, "I guess it would be the one licking the cone?"
"No," said Lady Jacqueline, "he's the one with the wedding ring on his finger, but I like the way you`re thinking."


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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