Thursday 31 October 2013

Lord Noel On Trick Or Treating

Whatto! Pepys...

It's that time of year again!
When skeletons and Vampires roam the streets calling from door to door in search of something that will satisfy their uncontrollably lustful cravings - for a high carbohydrate diet!
This year I've decided to go Trick or Treating instead of staying in and having wonderful sex with my good Lady wife because I've decided that there are several good reasons.....

Why Trick or Treating is Better than Sex:

1. By the end of the night you're GUARANTEED to get something in the sack.

2. If you get tired, you can just wait ten minutes and then go at it again.

3. The uglier you look, the easier it is to get something.

4. You don't have to pay anyone compliments to get the sweeties.

5. If you don't get exactly what you want, you just try somewhere else.

6. Forty years from now, you can still enjoy the sweets.

7. It's not frowned upon if you decide to swap with your friends.

8. It doesn't matter if small children hear you moaning and groaning in public.

9. No one expects you to hang around afterwards once you've got your sweets.

10. You can actually end up doing the whole neighbourhood!

11. And then come home and have SEX!...


Best Wishes - Lord Ghoolie Noelie!

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