Saturday 23 March 2013

Lord Noel on Religious Openings

What ho! Pepys...

Despite my distinct dislike of Christianity (mainly because of the sores that come up over me when I enter any sacred place) I was nevertheless invited to the opening and consecration of a new Baptist church in our area.
The preacher said to the congregation who were congregated there, "Is there anyone here with 'special needs' who wants to be prayed over? Please come forward to the front by the altar."
I was tempted to limp towards him but I hesitated and a local lad called Neville pushed roughly past me.
The Preacher asked him, "Neville, what do you want me to pray for?"
Neville replied, "Preacher, I need you to pray for help to test my hearing." 
The preacher smiled knowingly and raised his hand dramatically into the air above Neville. Then he lowered it and put a finger into Neville's ear. He then raised his other hand high up into the air and placed it on top of Neville's head. There was a respectful hush amongst the people gathered there as he closed his eyes and began praying earnestly. He prayed and prayed and prayed for Neville and soon the whole congregation also joined in, with growing enthusiasm.

After a few minutes of intense praying, the preacher suddenly removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Neville, how is your hearing now?"

Neville answered, "I don't know Preacher. The test's not 'til next week."

Best Wishes - Lord Noel