Thursday 29 November 2012

Lord Noel as The New Boss

What ho! Pepys...

When I was the boss of a small Consultancy Business I became concerned that some of my employees weren't showing me enough respect.
So I decided to try the old fashioned method of persuasion.
I brought in my Certificates of Lordship and my Batchelor of Arts (Hons) Degree and also my 50  yards swimming certificate (in pyjamas retrieving a brick!) and pined them up on my office wall.... could fail to be impressed with such credentials!
I also brought in a large sign that said “Warning. I’m the Boss” and taped it to my office door.
I felt that now there was no doubt of my skills, the entire workforce would be eating out of my hand in no time.
I went orf for lunch at a nearby pub but when I returned I noticed that someone had been in my office and left a note on my desk which read.....
“Lady Jacqueline rang. She says she wants her sign back!”


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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