Friday 10 February 2012

Lord Noel Says Fifty Is The New Twentyfive

What ho! Pepys...

Most of us reckon that we had the time of our lives in our teens and twenties.

After all, those years of freedom with few responsibilities and no worries are usually a whirl of parties, holidays and laughs.

But new research commissioned by Benenden Healthcare shows that we've got it all wrong – the typical 50-year-old is having more fun, is happier and more sociable than most people half their age.

A survey of 4,000 people aged 18-75 showed that 'nifty fifties' enjoy more nights out, travel further afield and catch up with friends more frequently than twenty-somethings.

Each week, a typical 50-year-old goes out twice and sees four friends. They also enjoy three weekends away during the year.

Twenty-somethings only manage one evening out a week, catch up with three friends and take two short breaks.

Half of the over-50s said their focus was on enjoying life to the full, compared with a third of those in their 20s.

A spokesman for Benenden Healthcare said: "Perhaps it's because people's priorities change over the years – with those who are older making time to do what they want, reflect on what they have or haven't done and play 'catch-up.'

"Twenty-somethings get caught in the stresses and demands of a job but in doing so let other parts of their life slip. The over-50s are setting the pace well ahead of their younger counterparts. Being 50 is definitely the new 25."


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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