What ho! Pepys...
Now that 2012 is finally here an awful lot of negative stuff is being purveyed in relation to the imminent demise of Civilisation as we know it.
For once I have done some serious research for those truth seekers among you and have great pleasure in revealing some of my extraordinary finds.
As we know the last 2000 years have been slowly dominated by Religious groups - all of whom have Messiahs or Prophets who promise an afterlife for those willing to believe in them. An afterlife which we will all enjoy once we are dead! So the task becomes obeying the rules while we are alive so that we can benefit later. One only has to check out the Vatican City to see that this 'Pyramid scheme' has led to large profits for the Prophets and a great deal of power for those running each of these organisations.
But did you know that there are uncanny similarities between the various Prophets on offer?
Whether it's Osiris, Dionysis, Jesus, or Vishnu they all have the following striking similarities in common!
Have you noticed how few female Saviours there are?
Have you noticed how few female Saviours there are?
For some reason humans insist that a Prophet cannot be born from anyone other than a Virgin
The local Ruler tries without success to prevent the growth of the Divine One by ordering the slaughtering of all the new born in the area
They all receive a message to leave the area asap!
They all start off in humble surroundings
Whether its Kings, Shepherds or Wise men - they get visited and adored
Relatively quiet life until they reach 30 when they get the 'Calling' to begin preaching
They all have twelve fans who think they're great
They all have twelve fans who think they're great
Symbolic meals with followers often appear just prior to their departure
A definite pre-requisite for all 'genuine' Prophets - to die in order to save 'Mankind'
Have you seen how many of them met their end this way?!
A vital part of all Prophets existence is to overcome 'Death'.
(Without this, nobody would follow Religion).
(Without this, nobody would follow Religion).
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The Middle East - after the proposed US improvements? |
The amazing thing is the numerous predictions of the 'End of Days' by Mayans, Jews, Christians and the like- all of whom predict a coming APOCALYPSE!
They talk about the rise in power of the Serpent, Lucifer, and the 'Horned One' taking over the World as we all follow this 'False Prophet' and turn away from their 'Authorised Saviour' who naturally becomes very angry and prevents us enjoying everlasting life in their very select 'Heaven'
This ties in nicely with current Conspiracy theories on a New World Order whereby we are told that one Religion will replace all those in existence currently and that we will be under one control.
One can very much believe this to be on the cards as computerisation makes possible Global communication and the prospect of a single world currency draws ever closer. However, part of the Illuminati scenario means that 90% of the population of the world must be wiped out.
Understandably we are all told to fear this coming Armageddon with all the destruction and death that it brings. It seems to me that those crying out the most are those with very close links to Churches who knew all along that the New World Order was on the horizon and that their long reign would come to an end. They are now desperate to maintain their primitive stranglehold on Society by continually insisting that we don't 'turn away' from their Prophet who is (naturally) the TRUE Messiah or we risk 'Eternal Damnation'. Using the good old fashioned (tried and tested) 'Fear Factor' to try to hang on to control until the very last second. These are the same Authorities who tried to suppress important Scientific discoveries because they contradicted their teachings, scientific discoveries which could have helped society understand this world of ours much sooner.
But let me share with you another hypothesis.
Imagine for one moment the World BEFORE modern Religion.
We know that Saturn and the Sun were singled out for special treatment which shows great Astronomical knowledge of the so called 'primitive' people.
Then I came across this amazing video which ties the whole thing into ASTROLOGY!
seems that Religion is nothing more than a misinterpretation
(deliberate or otherwise) of Astrology to give power to those humans touting these
new 'Prophets'
This made great sense to me - especially when we read that Jesus had lots of other brothers and sisters that failed to get a mention in the Bible and that 'Saint' Paul (who was the person who wrote most of the Bible) never even MET Jesus! Jesus had died years before Paul came along. Paul wrote the whole thing from his frequent 'dreams' and also nominated HIMSELF as one of the Apostles!
In 2012 Astrology shows that physically the Sun finally moves from the 'House of Pisces' and into the 'House of Aquarius'. This is an observable fact that doesn't require the 'Blind Faith' that Religion has depended on for so long and it brings with it the 'End of Times' that they all now fear! It is arriving fast and it will bring an end to Organised Religion in all of it's current forms as people finally realise that it has had it's day and needs to be replaced by something more 'Sustainable' something less 'Patriachal' - something less 'Violent' and 'Confrontational' - and something that will allow us to all live in harmony together.
And that 'something' is Planet Earth!
Finally we will turn from all the Man made 'Idols' back to the sustaining power we can all see, touch, hear, taste and feel everyday - Mother Earth herself! This new belief system will be based on practical, scientific understanding with an emphasis on cultivating the soil caringly and returning nutrients for future growth in a way that modern farming methods have failed to do. No more promises of fantasy existences in a fictitious 'Afterlife' that no-one can even verify but an achievable 'Heaven on Earth' that we can all share and enjoy together now.
Nothing more - nothing less...
...just the superb beauty of Mother Nature that we can all learn to respect and live with - in harmony.
Despite the ultimate propect of a pollution free sustainable planet, it will be a tough journey! You will soon see what these people truly value when they reveal that they are prepared to sacrifice innocent human lives in order to further their own ends. Those with power right now won't relinquish it without a fight and will use their power to try to beat the rest of us into submission. Amongst those resistors I include the Church, the big Oil companies and powerful Genetic Modification companies like Monsanto - who make massive profits whilst raping the earth of its resources and leaving it battered and polluted. Thankfully, even their stronghold is weakening as people begin to see through the lies they have been hiding behind. We cannot rely on the Politicians who are far too cosy with big business, and we have to be wary of anyone attempting to take control of our water or food supply.
But we can each make a difference...
... if we spend a little more time getting to know the Earth and then start making decisions about what oil-based products we really, really need in our life.
Are YOU ready for change?
Because the time for change is arriving... very soon.
Best Wishes - Lord Noel
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