Saturday 18 February 2012

Lord Noel On Equality

What ho! Pepys...

Some people say to me "Great Britain has a dark and murky history which illustrates clearly that it's Rulers have been thieves and unscrupulous power hungry murderers and yet despite all this, there is still a Royal Family in existence which sits in Palatial residence, enjoying a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the taxpayer who help to fund their luxuriance without having any say in how the money is allocated or spent." and I say "Yes?" because I don't understand their point.

Often these are people who profess Republican desires for the United Kingdom clearly believing that their Republican alternative would be a radical departure from the existing time-honoured Monarchy.

But these so-called Republican Radicals cannot point to a single example of their own Utopia which is not filled with unscrupulous, power hungry and corrupt leaders vying for control.
I believe that Her Majesty is a vital figurehead who has stood the test of time and someone who acts as a spanner in the machine of establishments throughout the world.

As the Mother of the United Kingdom she could also be viewed as the human embodiment of Isis and the Virgin Mary...two entities which have been very unrepresented since the introduction of Patriarchal Christianity in which she also plays an extremely unusual role as head of the Church of England...

Which makes her the World's only female Pope!

It doesn't get more radical than that.


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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