Saturday 6 December 2014

Lord Noel On Empowerment

Whatto! Pepys...

There is a very well known Comedian here in England who you may already know abroad as Mr Perry but here we know him simply as Russell Brand.
He has undergone several noticeable changes and personal developments which, to the casual onlooker, could appear to be a series of genuine 'enlightenments' - the sort one might expect to notice in someone following a Buddhist lifestyle.
But here is an ordinary man who has developed the gift of the gab and a knack of seeing the comical in ordinary life which has given him the financial independence he needed.
Now he is adding his not inconsiderable weight behind causes and concerns that the so-called Politicians (remember them? ...supposedly elected to represent the ordinary person, but increasingly revealing that their real loyalties lie more with the rich and very financially influential Corporations) have turned their corrupt and self-serving backs on.
Those MPs will rue the day when they arrogantly neglected the electorate, because together the people are unstoppable and their voices WILL be heard.
Thanks to REAL people like Mr Brand!

Are you tired of the Corporate Controlled media?
Do you long for news of the successes of ordinary persons?
Do you want to hear News that empowers you instead of seeking to keep you locked in a cycle of fear?
Welcome to Russell's 'Trews' - The True News!


Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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